The sequence of steps to be followed by each examinee for appearing in Bharath Engineering Aptitude Test (BEAT-IT)
Using Online Examination Portal will be as follows:
The students will have to enter their Name, Mobile Number, Course & Specialisation to register.
In the second page enter your E-Mail id & name, submit the form to begin the exam.
The Time of the examination begins only when the 'Start' button is pressed.
The student proceeds answering the questions one by one by clicking on the small grey circle next to the chosen answer.
The examinee can move to First, Last, Previous, Next and unanswered questions by clicking on the buttons with respective labels displayed on screen throughout the test.
The answers can be changed at any time during the test and are saved automatically.
It is possible to Review the answered as well as the unanswered questions.
The Time remaining is shown in the Left side of the screen.
The system automatically shuts down when the time limit is over OR alternatively if examinee finishes the exam before time he can quit by pressing the 'Finish' button. The students don't click the "FINISH" Button until you want to quit from Examination
Important: Do not click the "FINISH" button unless you want to leave early.