Welcome to Architecture
About The School :
The Bachelor of Architecture program of ten semester duration is recognized as one of India’s premier and most comprehensive programs in architecture due to the thrust on contemporary issue like sustainability, urban redevelopment, and housing. It also offers a large number of elective studies, ensuring flexibility and a choice based education tailored to the student’s area of special interest which may be urban design, landscape architecture, housing and project management. The students are also well exposed to current software techniques like Autodesk Revit and Google Sketch Up. The program is approved by the council of Architecture, New Delhi and was the first one in South India to be accredited by National Board Accreditation, in 2001.
The department combines traditional learning with practice based work, prepares and shapes professional Architects. The course is comprehensive and holistic covering topics from History / Theory of Architecture to materials and construction, design of structure, climatology, site planning, urban designing, urban economics, sociology, cost estimation, budgeting, project management and more.
Leading Architects visit the department for guest and part-time lectures and guide the students in their studios. The course is approved by the Council of Architecture (COA) and students are encouraged to actively participate in all NASA activities (National Architectural Students Association).
The department of Architecture offers both full time and part time Ph.D programs in all major area of Architecture design such as architectural conservation, landscape architecture, urban design, housing studies, project Management, interior design, digital architecture and environmental planning.
B.Arch :
- PEOs
- POs
- Regulation
- Curriculum Syllabus
Curriculum Syllabus
B.Des :
- PEOs
- POs
- Curriculum Syllabus
- Student Strength
D.Arch :
- PEOs
- POs
- Curriculum Syllabus
- Student Strength
M.Arch(General) :
- PEOs
- POs
- Curriculum Syllabus
- Student Strength
M.Arch(Landscape) :
- PEOs
- POs
- PSOs
- Curriculum Syllabus
- Student Strength
Board of Studies
Members of BOS ( June 2024 – May 2025 ) :
S.No | Name | Designation | Core Competency |
Academic Year | Student Admitted |
Faculty Profile
Full-Time :
S.No | Name | Designation | CV |
Vision & Mission
Our Vision :
The Department of Architecture is committed to excellence in the field of architectural education and the discipline of architecture through its pedagogical, research, extension and outreach activities, directed towards the betterment of the world that we inhabit, in all realms shaped by architecture. It shall uphold universal moral and ethical values in all endeavours that it undertakes and be exemplary in creating positive transformations.
Our Mission :
Mission of the department is to achieve International Recognition by:
- M1 - To tap and strengthen the innate potential of each student and deepen their knowledge/skills in order to enable them to self-actualise as well as become catalysts for positive change.
- M2 - To contribute to immediate context, larger society and the world through knowledge creation and dissemination.
- M3 - To engage and extend the expertise of the department in addressing and solving of issues/problems related to the built environment.
- M4 - To actively interact and collaborate with professionals, educational institutions and other related organizations at all scales in order to collectively further the cause of appropriate architecture.