Vision & Mission
IQAC Composition
SSR Report - 2024
DVV - Clarification
Vision & Mission
Our Vision :
“To create the bench mark in defining the quality of BIHER in professional higher education in Medical and allied Sciences and engineering and technology in quality evaluation in teaching, learning, research & development, an extension in the upkeep & maintenance of infrastructure, and in promotion and sustenance of the institutional and human values."
Our Mission :
- To ensure periodic assessment and accreditation of BIHER of the academic programmes and projects; research an extension activities.
- To promote the conductive academic environment in the quality of teaching, learning, and evaluation.
- To make self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations as an ongoing process in BIHER.
- To create a conducive ambience in quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes.
- To collaborate with other stakeholders of for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.
- Contributing to the growth of human civilization, community, society and the national development.
- Inculcating global Competencies & Human Excellence among the Students
- Promoting the use of technology for a green environment.
- Pursuit of excellence a permanent commitment.
BIHER is a multi-campus and multi faculty institution. In order to ensure the quality maintenance and for administrative feasibility each of six institutions has a separate IQAC with a Coordinator from the respective institution, getting direction, guidance and support from IQAC BIHER, headed by a Director . Each IQAC in the Constituent College prepare their annual reports and based on which Annual Quality Assurance Report of the BIHER is prepared and submitted to NAAC
The IQAC has constituted a committee consisting of 20 members with representation from external academia, industry, society, alumni besides student representative. The IQAC meets once in a quarter and considers the issues relating to teaching learning process, academic audit, additional infrastructure required and other quality enhancement strategies.
IQAC periodically conducts National/ State level seminars and workshops for faculty development and research promotion. It also works with IQAC cells of the constituent colleges in collecting, compiling, analyzing data and instituting corrective measures periodically. The IQAC derives its strength from the academic experts and administrators of the university. The members of IQAC attend national level conferences on quality initiatives.
IQAC Composition
Members of IQAC :
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation/Department | IQAC Designation |
1. | Dr.M.Sundararajan | Vice - Chancellor | Chairman |
2. | Dr.R.Arasu | Professor, Management Studies,University of Madras | Management Representative |
3. | Dr.S.Bhuminathan | Registrar | Secretary |
4. | Dr.M.S.Kannan | Dean, SBDCH | Member |
5. | Dr. P.Sasikumar | Dean, SBMCH | Member |
6. | Dr. G. Jayalakshmi | Dean, SLIMS | Member |
7. | Dr S Praveen Kumar | IQAC – Coordinator - BIST | Member |
8. | Dr.Bhuvaneshwari | IQAC – Coordinator - SBDCH | Member |
9. | Dr. M.R.Renuka Devi | IQAC – Coordinator - SBMCH | Member |
10. | Dr.Vijayakumar | IQAC – Coordinator - SLIMS | Member |
11. | Mr. A.Vijaya Kumar | Student, BIST –EEE(21-25 Batch) | Member |
12. | Dr.P.Malliga | Alumni-Batch 89 | Member |
13. | Mr Gopinath | SE Manager, R&D, Phillips Health Care | Member |
14. | Mr. Hasiz Khan | Social Impact Leader,Save Tree, Chennai | Member |
15. | Mr.Jaiyendaran | Deputy Director,Communitree, Chennai | Member |
16. | R.Mullai Selvan | Parent | Member |
17. | Dr. M.K.Ilampoornan | Professor of Electrical Engineering | Member Secretary |
Annual Quality Assurance Report :
Policy Statements :
Board of Studies
Minutes & Meeting:
2015 - 2016
2016 - 2017
2017 - 2018
2018 - 2019
2019 - 2020
2020 - 2021
“Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research (BIHER) envisions and constantly strives to provide an excellent academic and research ambience for students and members of the faculties to inherit professional competence along with human dignity and transformation of community to keep pace with the global challenges so as to achieve
- To develop as a Premier University for Teaching, Learning, Research and Innovation on par with leading global universities.
- To impart education and training to students for creating a better society with ethics and morals.
- To foster an interdisciplinary approach in education, research and innovation by supporting lifelong professional development, enriching knowledge banks through scientific research, promoting best practices and innovation, industry driven and institute oriented cooperation, globalization and international initiatives.
- To develop as a multi-dimensional institution contributing immensely to the cause of societal advancement through spread of literacy, an ambience that provides the best of international exposures, provide health care, enrich rural development and most importantly impart value based education.
- To establish benchmark standards in professional practice in the fields of innovative and emerging areas in engineering, management, medicine, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy and allied sciences.
Members ( 2020 - 2021 ):
S.No | Name | Designation | Role |
Annual Quality Assurance Report :
IQAC - SSR - 2021 :
Criterion I – Curricular Aspects
1.1 Curriculum Design and Development :
1.1.1 Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, regional, national, and global developmental needs, which is reflected in the Programme outcomes (POs), and Course Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the University
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) focuses on providing excellent technical and Health care education to cater to the needs of the industry and society to provide technical and skilled human resources with practical experience and sound theoretical knowledge. The curriculum is designed and executed as per the guidelines of the statutory bodies such as AICTE, NMC, DCI, PCI, BCI, COA, ICAR, INC, UGC, and MHRD. BIHER has intended to develop its curriculum based on outcome and prescribed by the scheme of OBE, CBME, and LOCF. To address Socio-economic issues, Central and State Government Vision 2020 document, Government policies such as Make in India, Skill India, Digital India, futuristic forecasts about technology changes, occupational trends, and need for application of technology in agriculture as well as global issues of climate change & sustainability are considered. Chennai is known for Information Technology Industries, Aerospace Industries, Construction Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Industrial Automation Engineering, Business Management Industries, and Healthcare. In this context, the courses are designed specifically to meet the needs of these sectors. The Vision of BIHER is reflected in the academic program design and implementation. BIHER has a well-defined procedure to design curriculum for new courses and incorporate changes in existing systems. It reviews the curriculum regularly with a specific periodicity to achieve its vision and mission. The academic programs are planned to give extensive domain knowledge to foster creativity, innovation, and research aptitude. BIHER endeavors to provide a holistic approach in imparting technical and Healthcare education. It follows a systematic process in the design and development of curriculum; inputs for curriculum designing are obtained from Faculty, experts in the field drawn from Academia, Industry, Entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders by regular interaction with them. The framework is prepared for each subject considering inputs obtained, and the same is placed before the respective School's Board of Studies for its consideration. An Academic Council(ACM) constituted and comprising chairs of all Boards and chaired by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor approves the curriculum, teaching scheme, evaluation, and other related aspects. BIHER organizes workshops to obtain feedback from faculty members. The curriculum is developed to make it relevant to societal needs-Local, National, Regional and Global. The curriculum is based on learning objectives and course outcomes. BIHER is currently following a choice-based curriculum/Elective based Curriculum across all programs. Syllabus revision is carried out for PG programs every two years. To enhance employability and entrepreneurial skill, the students undertake an internship with industry and projects for the specified duration in each program ranging from 8 weeks to 16 weeks. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell(EDC) and Training & Placement Cell(TPC) provide need-based training to students. During the internship programs, students get hands-on experience in the industry and interact with professionals.
The curriculum is based on learning objectives and course outcomes. BIHER is currently following a choice-based curriculum/Elective based Curriculum across all programs. Syllabus revision is carried out for PG programs every two years. To enhance employability and entrepreneurial skill, the students undertake an internship with industry and projects for the specified duration in each program ranging from 8 weeks to 16 weeks. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell(EDC) and Training & Placement Cell(TPC) provide need-based training to students. During the internship programs, students get hands-on experience in the industry and interact with professionals.
1.1.2 Percentage of Programmes where syllabus revision was carried out during the last five yearss
1.1.3 Average percentage of courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development offered by the University
1.2 Academic Flexibility :
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment :
1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics ,Gender, Human Values ,Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum
BIHER, a socially inclusive university, has defined its mission and vision and created the scope for the inclusion of professional ethics, gender, human values, environment, and sustainability into the curriculum and thereby integrated the crosscutting issues relevant to the above areas. Value education ensures rationality harmonious coexistence, strengthens one’s aspiration and confidence level, first understanding ‘what to do’ and then developing the skills for ‘how to do.’ Each program contains courses on gender equality, environmental issues, protection & sustainability, professional ethics, etc. Value-integrated courses concentrate on the fundamental values of Indian ethos and teach not only gender equity but also the tradition of honor bestowed on women according to the culture. BIHER has resolved to introduce a 3-credit course on Universal Human Values (UHV) as recommended by the AICTE model curriculum and UGC guidelines in all programs from 2020-21
In the existing framework of teaching-learning, the courses like Professional Ethics, Women & Law, Environmental Law, Labour & Industrial Laws, Human Rights, Legal & Ethical Aspects of Engineering, Critical Thinking and Communication, Indian Ethos & Values, Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, Organizational Behaviour, Personal Development Practices, Environmental Sciences, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, etc. are some of the courses that reflect the commitment of BIHER in addressing the crosscutting issues. Moreover, the system Environmental Studies & Social Engineering is compulsory in all undergraduate UG engineering programs. Courses like value education environmental studies, along with NSS, NCC, and Yoga, are promoted to reach in the minds of the students the ecological and value consciousness, which enable them to have a broad outlook in life. This leads to the holistic development of students in terms of critical thinking, interpretation, reflection, inference, and insight. The Board of Studies on the above areas is integrated into the curriculum. To ensure academic integrity in all aspects of education, staff & students are constantly sensitized to the issues of plagiarism. Environmental Science and Renewable & Sustainable Energy have become the thrust areas of the University. BIHER undertakes the research activities in weather forecasting, lightning & thunderstorm prediction under the School of Civil Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, and School of Electrical Engineering. BIHER maintains the gender balance. Fifty percent of the student population are female students. At the institute level, Internal Complaints Committees and Disciplinary Committees take care of gender inequality and sexual harassment matters. BIHER regularly conducts programs to sensitize the issues. UGC Guidelines on Sexual harassment at working place and Ragging have been followed in letter and spirit. Staff and Students operate under the code of ethics and conduct.
1.3.2 Number of value-added courses for imparting transferable and life skills offered during last five years
1.3.3 Average Percentage of students enrolled in the courses under 1.3.3 above
1.3.4 Percentage of students undertaking field projects / research projects / internships (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Criterion II – Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
2.2 Catering to Student Diversity :
2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners.
Since its inception, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research has organized an orientation program for the students at the commencement of every academic year. This orientation program helps students and parents to get familiarised with the University, curricular and co-curricular activities, the facilities, rules, and regulations. A faculty mentor is assigned to every student during orientation for regular counseling/mentoring. A faculty member becomes a mentor to a group of 15-20 students (mentees) and takes care of the personal and academic mentoring of the assigned mentees. The mentor communicates and informs the parents about the performance of their mentees. The mentors help the students to identify various avenues in curricular and co-curricular activities according to one’s skill set. Advanced and slow learners are identified based on their involvement in the classroom and their performance in continuous assessments through assignments, quizzes, and other evaluation components. Students who repeatedly score marks below 50% are categorized as slow learners, and those scoring above 70% are classified as advanced learners. Motivational sessions are conducted for all the students to improve their mental ability, enhance their critical thinking and increase their emotional quotient.
Common Strategies for both Advanced/Slow Learners:< The University has devised strategies to incorporate peer learning and evaluation in many courses–especially for the project and collaborative assessments. Many guest lectures, workshops, seminars, presentations are embedded in the pedagogy and assessments to develop and improve cognitive and non-cognitive skills and other professional attributes. The slow and advanced learners are encouraged to use resources and enrol on NPTEL and Swayam platforms. These online strategies also help them to become lifelong learners.
Encouraging the Advanced Learners to perform better:Innovative strategies are adopted to further promote the advanced learners by using out-of-the-box assignments, professional and skill development training, and other brainstorming sessions. The Training and Placement Cell(TPC) and Entrepreneurship Development Cell(EDC) also mentor them by providing internship opportunities besides their regular academic assignments. These learners are also enthused to participate in co-curricular activities like symposia, workshops, and conferences, participate in activities of professional bodies and university clubs and are encouraged and facilitated to organize technical events. Advanced Learners are provided other platforms to explore their potential by participating in national and international competitions, such as Smart India Hackathon, EXPLORE, BAJA SAE India, ET Case Study Competition, Bloomberg Case Competition, International Film Festival, EPICS projects, and so on. These learners are also provided opportunities for availing themselves of international fellowship positions.
Special attention and help to Slow Learners:Slow learners are given extra flexibility and time to improve their performance. The mentors and teachers give them extra time beyond contact hours in small groups. The course teachers help them by providing help notes, question banks, and strategies for time management. Exclusive tutorials and remedial classes are also organized to clarify their doubts and reinforce their concepts. The mentor establishes a continuous communication channel with the parents of these students so that they are mentally supported to perform better.
2.2.2 Student - Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year).
2.3 Teaching - Learning Process :
2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences
Student-centric methods:Experiential learning, participative learning, life-long learning, problem-solving, and active learning methods are student-centric approaches to enhance learning experiences. The teaching-learning process in the institution consists of lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, projects, seminars, internships, industrial visits, industry tours, and so on. The institution provides internet, wi-fi, LCD projectors, multimedia tools, etc., to facilitate student-centric methods. Online platforms, software, and app-based tools are also used to support the teaching-learning process. Classroom instruction operating tablets are also being piloted in the institution. The library has a dedicated portal through which students and faculty members can access a lot of material
Experiential learning:Experiential learning is provided to the students in laboratory sessions, internships, and hands-on training in centers. During the lab sessions, the students test the theory learned in the classroom through various experiments performed using state-of-the-art machinery/equipment/software. The institution encourages students for internships/industry attachment in the Pre-Final and Final Years study, which has been custom-designed to enable students to have a natural feel of the industry environment and work on real-time projects. Separate skill-oriented one-credit courses are also provided to the students in their curriculum itself.
Participative learning:Participative learning is encouraged through paper presentations, technical events, and industrial and in-house projects. The institution encourages students to take part in various technical events. Students also organize many events, like technical symposiums and other events. They also act as volunteers in department and institutional level workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. Students learn collaboratively by doing mini-projects, in-house projects, and industrial projects during their course of study.
Problem-solving:Problem-solving exposure is given to students through tutorials, assignments, and projects. In the tutorial class, TWO teachers will be present in class, and they act as facilitators for the students in working out the solutions. Separate tutorial rooms are also available for each department to handle tutorial classes. The students also form small groups and discuss themselves, which promotes interactivity and peer learning.
Life-long learning:Independent learning is encouraged through assignments, seminars, and self-study components. Students are allowed to take individual studies and workshops. 25% of marks from these components are considered for their internal marks. From the third year onwards, they can take self-study components as one unit from each of two/three courses per semester. During the allotted time for the self-study unit, they are allowed to go to the library for learning apart from their regular library period in the timetable.
Active learning methods:Faculty members use active learning methods such as think pair share, discussions, debates, role-plays, quizzes, etc., during the delivery of lectures. These methods, along with the other features of the teaching- learning process at the institution, enable higher-order thinking skills in the students.
2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning processes
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research uses ICT-enabled tools effectively for an effective Teaching-Learning Process. All the faculty members, students, and research scholars are exposed to various online resources available freely and subscribed to by the Institution. BIHER has 297 classrooms with ICT-enabled facilities, and 15558 students use ICT-enabled learning tools.
The Institution has a Wi-Fi facility with Cisco Layer 3 Switch supporting the wireless access points (1.05Gbps bandwidth for Main Campus) from NKN, Govt. of India, and backup networks. The automation Software E-campus has a portal for uploading the teaching material conduct of assessments accessible through both the Intranet and Internet. Apart from LMS, MOODLE and Google classroom are used for online video lecturing and evaluation. The technologies used for ICT enablement in Teaching-Learning are listed below
Being part of the National Knowledge Network (NKN) and a member of NPTEL and INFLIBNET, a variety of Learning Resources are available for learners of all levels through NMEICT. Ph.D. theses through e- shodhganga, for the entire research community, through e-shodhsindhu access to peer-reviewed journal articles and e-books. International and National Publishers’ resources are accessible through the Internet and Intranet. Access to the e resources is through passkey provided by INFLIBNET, E-Journals: 20,000, E-Books: 2,00,000, E-Database: 15 Tools like Gsuite-Meet, Microsoft-Team, and Zoom are used for regular lecture sessions and webinars. Virtual conferences, training, workshops, and seminars at both National and International levels are conducted for gaining additional domain knowledge during Pandemic.
Other Facilities:ICT tools like Multimedia Projectors, Smart Boards, Visualizers, CDs, and Audio/ Video equipment are used for regular classroom teaching. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) under the SWAYAM platform by various National Coordinators are used for credit transfer and additional credits. Other international platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Edx are utilized by the Students, Scholars, and Faculty members. A total of 4,566 learners have benefitted so far from the Courses offered by the Institute under the SWAYAM platform. Learners are allowed to opt for more than one online course at a time. E-contents developed for e-PG Pathsala and Instructional-LMS are supplementary learning resources.
Online resources like Slideshare, Simplilearn, FutureLearn, other specialized tools like Coggle, Kahoot, Edmodo, OBS, and help from social media YouTube links, WhatsApp, Blogs, Wikis, and Mobile Apps are also used for Teaching-Learning. Virtual Labs are used for coding, dissection, and other practical experience and skill development courses. The entire Teaching-Learning activity is carried out during the Pandemic with 100% online resources. A usage report is also produced that shows a significant increase in the usage of online resources. Overall, the Institute uses almost all the platforms available for ICT enabled Teaching and Learning process.
2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year data) .
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality :
2.4.1 Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years.
2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. during the last five years .
2.4.3 Average teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year in number of years) .
2.4.4 Average percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government/Govt. recognised bodies during the last five years .
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms :
2.5.1 Average number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results during the last five years.
2.5.2 Average percentage of student complaints/grievances about evaluation against total number appeared in the examinations during the last five years .
2.5.3 IT integration and reforms in the examination procedures and processes (continuous internal assessment and end-semester assessment) have brought in considerable improvement in examination management system of the institution
Since 2015, BIHER has had a comprehensive end-to-end platform for the administration and management of core academic activities at the University. This automation system integrates all the core activities in the educational and assessment lifecycle from student admissions until graduation in a seamless manner.The institution-specific rules for academic management are formulated, ensuring compliance, governance, and a real-time view of the theoretical operating parameters, thereby enabling quality in education
The IT Platform has the following features:
The system provides full support for measuring outcomes as per NBA and Washington accord requirements for Engineering Programme, and the NMC recommended CBME requirements. The Washington Accord committee(ABET) reviewed and appreciated the system during their accreditation visit in 2018. OBE compliant Question paper setting, Rubrics with Likert Scale implementation for non-theory courses are followed. The assessment facilitates a comprehensive coverage of all internal reviews (Theory, Lab, Projects, Assignments, and Seminars), followed by student performance analysis & outcomes are available by default. All the assessment questions are linked to performance indicators, competency, and program outcomes (POs). Further, they are also linked to respective Bloom's cognitive levels. This helps in gauging the quality of question papers
Admission, Course Registration, Academic calendar, time table & contact hours, LDPR, Attendance, Assessments, Student Counselling, Student Feedback, Communication to parents, and students are additional functions automated. The examination module covers the entire gamut of our examination processes, implements COE exam rules requiring minimal manual intervention, security, access control, maintenance of audit, and access trail through the automation of all the critical functions of end semester examinations. Key examination processes automated include Question paper setting and scrutiny, seating logistics and hall tickets, encoding by bar codes for conventional paper pen valuation, moderation, and multiple valuations, application of Grace marks rules, grading conversion, make-up, supplementary/fast track semesters, revaluation and challenge valuation, e-results, hard copy, SMS result intimations, comprehensive results analysis, vertical progression, transcripts, graduation, gold medallist rules enforcement, and full-fledged outcome-based education support and investigation. Because of the fully automated Examination system, the End semester examination results are published within ten days after completing the examination with minimum errors and revaluations. The End Semester Examination results are posted on the University website for students notification. The exam system is one hundred percent automated and located in an isolated network for restricted access and high security with the University's server.
2.5.4 Status of automation of Examination division along with approved Examination Manual .
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes :
2.6.1 The institution has stated learning outcomes (generic and programme specific)/graduate attributes which are integrated into the assessment process and widely publicized through the website and other documents
BIHER focuses on Outcome Based Education with the intended learning outcomes and imitates the attainment of high order learning rather than outdated education technique of direct training of elements and accretion of credits. Program outcomes (POs) of all the programs are achieved by realizing course outcomes (COs). All the courses offered as part of various programs of various Constituent institutes of BIHER are aligned with the program outcomes. All programs are designed for taking Outcome Based Education as its basis.
All course curriculums are carefully formulated with POs/PSOs, and the COs are designed taking into account the feedback and requirements of all the stakeholders: industry, alumni, faculty, and students. The input is instrumental in assessing the accomplishment of execution of curriculum as well as in keeping it relevant to current requirements and trends. The course outcomes are determined as per the content and objectives of the course within the program context. The course objectives are taken into account while conceiving the course outcomes. The Program Objectives formulate the program outcomes. The Program Specific Outcomes are then described outlining the competencies that will be delivered to students of the program. Program Outcomes, Program-Specific Outcomes, and Course Outcomes for all programs offered by BIHER are listed on the University website and shared with the students through the ‘Course Curriculum Handbook’ before commencing the course delivery.
The relevance of POs/PSOs and COs are shared and explained to the students during their orientation/induction Program, where dedicated faculty mentors deliberate these to the students assigned to them. With the understanding of POs/PSOs and Cos in the induction week, students become more goal-oriented as they shape their future. The mentors ensure that all the students understand the outcomes and provide them with the necessary guidance to attain these outcomes. The graduate attributes reflect students' extraordinary quality and skills, including the knowledge, attitudes, and values that are expected to be acquired by a graduate through studies at the University. BIHER has adopted the graduate attributes across all its academic programs, which gives the students a solid foundation in core concept and develop competency by the industry requirements. These attributes prepare the students to meet the global challenges and be adaptable in accord with the changing needs of the industry. It also develops a personality by the ethos of a worldwide citizen and inculcates life-long learning abilities, which help students to outshine as global assets. The final attainment on POs/PSOs and COs are widely published on university websites periodically, and printed booklets are also prepared by IQAC and sent to concerned Schools for their further actions.
2.6.2 Attainment of Programme outcomes, Programme specific outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution
Assessment is defined as one or more processes that identify, collect, and prepare the data necessary for evaluation. Evaluation is defined as one or more processes for interpreting the data acquired through the assessment processes to determine how well the Program Outcomes/Program-Specific Outcomes are attained. The satisfaction of Program Outcomes is regularly assessed through both direct and indirect measures. The School's Board of Study(BOS) coordinates the evaluation of Program Outcomes. Additionally, all assessment tools such as grading rubrics for direct assessment and questionnaires for surveys for indirect assessment use a 5-point scale (1-5) for consistency, with quality of response directly proportional to the value on the scale. The parameters for the Direct assessments are Internal Assessment exams, quizzes and assignments, and end semester examinations .
Attainment of Course Outcomes:
Direct assessment of Course Outcome :If a student scores less than 50%, they can be rated as low level and will be graded 1. Similarly, those who fall in the range between 50% to 80% will be graded 2, and those who score more than or equal to 80% will be graded to 3. The target level is set as “75% of students should score more than 80% of marks for attainment.
Attainment of Program Outcomes and Programme Specific Outcomes:
Direct Assessment :To assess the POs and PSOs, the COs are mapped with the POs and PSOs. The average attainment score of COs, which are mapped with a particular PO, is the attainment score of that PO. Similarly, attainment scores of the PSOs are also calculated, considering the attainment score of COs mapped with that PSO.
Indirect assessment :POs and PSOs are indirectly assessed through the feedback scores collected from different stakeholders (Alumni, Employer, Faculty, and Students). The final attainment score of each PO is calculated by taking the weightage of 80% of direct and 20% of indirect assessment scores.
NOTE :For MBBS, MD/MS, DM/M.Ch. MDS, BDS., the number of evaluation components of each course is pre-defined as stated by the regulations laid out by the statutory council. BIHER has adopted the competency-based curriculum and assessment process for Medical based Programmes. The course threshold for CO attainment is defined, and periodic evaluation is conducted to assess the performance. Weightage for the internal assessments is kept at a 50% threshold in a particular course to appear for university professional examination. Moreover, the university professional examination threshold is kept at 50% in theory and 50% in oral/practical. As per the CBME curriculum, learning outcomes are evaluated for knowledge, skills, and application capabilities through periodic formative and end-term summative assessments. Additionally, viva-voce helps assess problem-solving, situation management, attitude, and communication
The BOS analyses the attainment score of each outcome, be it POs, PSOs, and COs, and suggests the curriculum changes and the measures to improve the performance of the students whose scores fall below the threshold set before the commencement of the academic session.
2.6.3 Pass percentage of students (Data for the latest completed academic year).
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey :
Criterion III – Research, Innovations and Extension
3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities :
3.1.1 The institution Research facilities are frequently updated and there is well defined policy for promotion of research which is uploaded on the institutional website and implemented
Research and Development are one of the main criteria concerning the quality and standard of an institution. The international ranking of any university is dependent upon its research and development. Therefore, BIHER for Emerging Sciences and Technology has prepared the Research Promotion Policy to initiate, motivate, and inculcate innovative ideas among the researchers and create the environment and promote research activities on the university campus. The Research Promotion will strengthen the creation of knowledge that is to be utilized for the upliftment of society and help in the publications, filing of the patents, and generation of funds. The revenue generated from research and development will further enhance the capabilities and potential of the university.
BIHER has well defined and updated “Research Promotion Policy” approved by the Academic Council. Research Promotion Policy will apply not only to the researchers of the university comprising of research scholars registered with the university, faculty, supervisors, co-supervisors but also to the external experts, Govt. or private institutes/labs, sponsors from Govt., private, national, and international funding agencies.
The university researchers will be given adequate liberty to explore the area of their interest. The researchers will have the freedom to submit their research projects to the national/international funding agencies. In addition, researchers will be allowed to raise funds concerning creating infrastructure and facilities related to their field of specializations. However, working space, library, infrastructure, and necessary facilities will be available to the researchers. In addition, researchers will also be supported for writing research proposals, reports, publications, filing patents, etc.
The researchers registered for Ph. D. program who are without fellowship are given financial support in scholarships. The financial support provided in fellowships is raised by giving 10 hrs per week academic load. This will make them self-dependent and enhance their teaching potentials and make them future-ready professionals.
The Research Promotion Policy of the university has been prepared, taking into consideration the interest of the BIHER faculty. To enhance their qualifications and inculcate in their research and development potentials, it was considered to motivate non-Ph.D. faculty members to register themselves for Ph. D. degree. The registered candidates can be given some benefits concerning their reduced teaching load and some financial rewards such as additional increment(s) on completing their Ph.D. degree. In addition, some seed money was given to the faculty to initiate and explore their innovative ideas.
The researchers are given appropriate leave (type of leave due to them). In addition, financial support is provided to attend national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, short-term training programs, faculty development programs, quality improvement programs, post-doctoral research, etc. The exposure gained at the national or international level is shared with the students and faculty.
3.1.2 The institution provides seed money to its teachers for research (average per year INR in Lakhs)
3.1.3 Percentage of teachers receiving national/ international fellowship/financial support by various agencies for advanced studies/ research during the last five years
3.1.4 Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows enrolled in the institution
during the last five years -
3.1.5 Institution has the following facilities to support research
3.1.6 Percentage of departments with UGC-SAP, CAS, DST-FIST, DBT, ICSSR and other recognitions by national and international agencies (Data for the latest completed academic year)
3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research :
3.2.1 Extramural funding for Research (Grants sponsored by the non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, international bodies for research projects) endowments, Chairs in the University during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies during the last five years (INR in Lakhs).
3.2.3 Number of research projects per teacher funded by government and non-government agencies during the last five years
3.3 Innovation Ecosystem :
3.3.1 Institution has created an eco system for innovations including Incubation centre and other initiatives for creation and
transfer of knowledge.-
Technology Business Incubator :In 2016, a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) was established in Bharath Insitute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) and registered as “Bharath Technology Business Incubator” (Sl.No. SRD/Chennai South/522/2019) in Nov’2019 under section 10 of the Tamilnadu Societies registrations Act 1975. Subsequently, “Bharath Healthcare Innovation and Bio incubator Society” (Sl.No. SRG/Chennai South/146/2021) registered on March-2021 under section 10 of the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act 1975 with the objectives of to facilitate commercialization of R&D technologies,to promote faculty to incubate start-up companies in collaborative mode to encourage alumni and local entrepreneurs to establish start-up ventures.
Establishing MHRDs Institution Innovation Council (IIC):IIC of BIHER was established to systematically foster innovation among the students across various Schools inside the Institute. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has established Institution Innovation Council among all Higher Education Institutions. The focus of IIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes. MHRD recognized the IIC of BIHER during the year 2019.
Encouraging students to participate in Hackathons/Club Activities:Every School has pulsating participation in International Professional Society/Clubs (SAE, CSI, IET, IEEE, IIC), which encourages the students to participate in International and National Hackathons, Makeathons, Codeathons, SUPRA, BAJA, Solar Karts, and Vehicle fabrication contests. Dedicated mentors enable students to participate in MyGov challenges, AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards, DST-Texas India Innovation Challenge Design Contest, Innovate India, and various challenges posed by Government Private agencies. All the students are guided to participate in Smart India Hackathon (SIH) to improve their coding skills and face challenges to build innovation models.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell:Entrepreneurship Development Cell inspires the budding engineers to float their business/venture through various seminars and workshops. Eminent industrialists and budding entrepreneurs are often invited to motivate young students. The successful alumni of BIHER pursuing the entrepreneurial route also encourage our students through frequent interactions. The BIHER also has an active Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) funded and supported by MSME, the Government of India. Funds worth to a tune of Rs.10,00,000(Ten Lakhs) are offered to the five best innovative students' projects every year to enable them to take it to the market. So far, 25 projects are funded by Entrepreneurship Development Centre.
3.3.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),entrepreneurship, skill development during the last five years.
3.3.3 Number of awards / recognitions received for research/innovations by the institution/teachers/research scholars/students during the last five years
3.4 Research Publications and Awards :
3.4.1 The institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research .
3.4.2 The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognitions/awards .
3.4.3 Number of Patents published/awarded during the last five years
3.4.4 Number of Ph.D’s awarded per teacher during the last five years
3.4.5 Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
3.4.6 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during the last five years
3.4.7 E-content is developed by teachers :
3.4.8 Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on average Citation Index in Scopus/ Web of Science/PubMed :
3.4.9 Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on Scopus/ Web of Science – h-Index of the University :
3.5 Consultancy :
3.5.1 Institution has a policy on consultancy including revenue sharing between the institution and the individual and encourages its faculty to undertake consultancy .
At Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Consultancy is perceived as a service to the community and the industry and outreach activity of the institution. Faculty, PG Scholars, and doctoral scholars at the University are constantly encouraged to expand and fortify the University's research profile and widen and expand current knowledge and experience. In doing so, the goal is to imbibe best practices and engage with external organizations to exchange knowledge. BIHER's Research and Development Centers have been conceived as a Special Purpose Vehicle dedicated to industrial consultancy and sponsored research. It has been conceptualized to showcase the capabilities of faculty while providing the students with much-needed exposure. It blends the best of academia and industry, a synthesis that has generated considerable synergy. The Centres provide a platform for faculty to devise innovative solutions to industrial problems. It promotes the translation of research outcomes into adaptable technologies and the faculty's last-mile delivery of state-of-the-art technology through technology transfer and intellectual property support. Constant updates with emerging and best practices are encouraged through seminars, plenaries, and symposiums
The Board of Management has accorded a standing approval for collaboration, in line with the institutional consultancy policy. Examples of Consultancy promoted at the University include expert advice, testing services, help with product/process development for a company, policy, and planning, support for collaborations and conferences, project planning, marketing, business analysis, support, modelling, and predictive analysis and training. In such cases, the researcher receives consultancy charges as remuneration. The limits on the revenue and time spent on such activities will be according to the policy and guidelines on consultancy at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research. All consultancy activities will be carried out with prior approval of the Dean, Research and Development, and Head of the Institution. Any institutional facilities, resources, infrastructure, and equipment must be appropriately considered in the costing as per institutional norms. Hence a good consultancy agreement must be formulated with the institution for each consultancy activity to ensure that resources are appropriately utilized, and the institution supports the services rendered.
On completion of the consultancy, an official completion report with details of the services rendered, including a utilization report and other financial information, should be submitted. BIHER has a well-defined consultancy Policy developed with the concern of the Research Advisory Committee by the Dean, Research and Development. This Consultancy Policy is frequently updated, amended, and approved by the Academic Council.
3.5.2 Revenue generated from consultancy and corporate training during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
3.6 Extension Activities :
3.6.1 Extension activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of impact and sensitising students to social issues and holistic development during the last five years .
Extension activities in the neighborhood community :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) extends research culture through the college-neighborhood network to fulfill social responsibility. BIHER always motivates the students to do innovative projects which solve social problems and meet the essential needs through the EDC project scheme and academic projects. A maximum of five such new project(s) would be supported in a year. The projects may be students' projects with students' involvement with a high degree of innovation. As part of the extension activities that emphasize community services, BIHER– N.S.S unit – provides free medical aid supplies food for the people affected during natural calamities like floods, heavy storms, etc. BIHER NSS has adopted Nine Villages for their service nearby the campuses .
The BIHER-NCC unit has participated in the Coastal Cleaning Camps on the International Coastal Cleaning day. From time to time, the Institution also organized various health and family welfare awareness programs in nearby villages and distributed Nelavembu Kasaayam to prevent fever like Dengue and Corona. These events were organized both on the premises of BIHER and outside the premises. Many lives have been touched through the various events organized by this organization since its establishment ranging from economically deprived people to people who are deprived socially. Blood donation camps in collaboration with Lions Club, Rotaract club, Madras Volunteers Blood Bank are a regular feature. Many of these events were covered by the leading newspapers and news channels. The tremendous response and success of these events exhibit the effort and sincerity of the members' intentions. To proffer a solution to the impending challenges that micro and small scale businesses will face in a cashless society BIHER-NSS unit has conducted an awareness program on Cashless Banking to Small Scale Vendors besides participating in many of the socially sensitizing programs related to Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Swachh Bharat, Tree Plantation, Yoga, save water awareness rally, Seminar on Nation Building.
Extension Activities for Environment issues :The Go-Green club has conducted awareness programs on the conservation of energy and how to use power efficiently. Enviro club completed an awareness program on water conservation, environment, solid waste disposal, and anti-plastic.
Extension Activities for Gender disparity :Women Development Cell (W.D.C.) has organized various programs to society on women's health, safety issues, problems of working women, and health camps. App development club developed a software tool for prenatal and postnatal applications donated to primary health centers of Nearby Campuses.
Extension Activities for Social Welfare :Red Ribbon Club conducted awareness programs on HIV/AIDS safe and healthy lifestyles, thus eliminating myths and misconceptions among the society. The hands-to-gather club organized eye camps, blood donation camps, and awareness programs on helmets, cancer, and eye donation.
Extension Activities for Digital Literacy :Digital literacy programs were conducted for rural people on smartphones, online payment, and government web portal services. Software applications for road restoration and the offensive license have been developed and donated to municipalities. School of Computing has provided training to government and non-government officials.
3.6.2 Number of awards received by the Institution, its teachers and students from Government /Government recognised bodies in recognition of the extension activities carried out during the last five years
3.6.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution including those through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC during the last five years ( including Government initiated programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. and those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs)
3.6.4 Average percentage of students participating in extension activities listed at 3.6.3 above during the last five years
3.7 Collaboration :
3.7.1 Number of collaborative activities with other institutions/ research establishment/industry for research and academic development of faculty and students per year .
3.7.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years
Criterion IV – Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1 Physical Facilities :
4.1.1 The institution has adequate facilities for teaching - learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) is a multi-campus university with an area of 305 acres spread across Four campuses spreading across Tamilnadu and Puducherry. All Schools are well equipped with a sufficient number of classrooms, seminar halls, laboratories, equipment, workshops, studios, and museums as per statutory guidelines. In addition, BIHER has a Centre of Excellence and Technology Business Incubation Centre on all campuses. The video surveillance system has been installed in all campuses, in addition to full-time security personnel. There are 297 classrooms with 100% ICT facilities. There are Twenty Nine seminar halls of varying capacities in the Schools as well as in different campuses equipped with ICT facilities.
BIHER has a Central Library at the main campus at Selaiyur, Chennai, Three campus libraries, and Twenty-two School libraries. The Central Library on the main campus, has a huge collection of library resources, digital resources, a reading hall, and a computer center. The Campus and School libraries have a good collection of subject-specific books, journals, and other learning resources including e-resources. The libraries have a total collection of 5 Lakhs books, 600+ journals, and bound volumes, 15 digital databases which include 20 Lakhs e-books and e-journals. Central Library is fully automated with KOHA open source library management system which offers the facility of Web OPAC with individual user login facility for services like self-renewal and reservation. BIHER has signed MOU with INFLIBNET for the submission of theses to the Shodhganga platform in the year 2010. The library has a digitized collection of previous years’ question papers, which can be accessed from the library or provided as a pdf version on request. The library services enable the students and faculty to have access to all leading e-databases and online gateways in the country and outside.
For the promotion of quality and maintaining academic integrity in research, the university has implemented the “Anti-Plagiarism Policy", and has been using TURNITIN software for checking plagiarism.
The university has seven guest houses and eighteen hostel facilities in the different campuses and also has well-equipped health centers and counseling centers on all campuses with the service of doctors, nursing staff, and qualified counseling professionals. Computing elements are facilitated with 4000 computers, laptops, printers, scanners, and photocopiers in the teaching departments and other learning centers. All the facilities are put to optimal use through a proper allocation based on the requirements. The central facilities at the main campus at the headquarters and all the facilities in the different campuses adequately cater to the teaching-learning, personal and professional needs of the students and faculty.
4.1.2 The institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games (indoor, outdoor) and sports.
(gymnasium, yoga centre, auditorium, etc.)-
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and research has good indoor and outdoor sports, games, and cultural activities on all four campuses.
Sports and Games :The Institution has spacious open grounds for outdoor sports and games such as basketball, football, ball badminton, cricket, kabaddi, volleyball, handball, athletics, etc. Similarly, a separate block is allotted for indoor games such as Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, Judo, and Wrestling practice. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry campus has a world-class cricket ground with all facilities for conducting state and national-level sports meets every year. The Institution takes particular interest and effort to promote Tamil Nadu's traditional martial art form Silambam. It is worth mentioning that Institution provides training in Silambam to the Police officers of the Government of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
Cricket, Volleyball, Handball, and Kabaddi are four major sports in which the Institution has made a mark at the National and International levels. Students have secured 55 medals in various sports and events at national and state levels during the last five years. Nearly 50 women students have bagged medals in Kabaddi, Handball, Volleyball, and basketball at the National Level.
Gymnasium :The Institution has a well-established gymnasium with the necessary equipment for students and staff. Each boy and Girls Hostels are equipped with a modern Gym for the benefit of Hostel students. On average, 2300 males and females use Gymnasium. Power Lifting and Weight Lifting are also popular among the students.
Yoga Centre:There is a Yoga Centre with a collocation with Vedhathri Maharishi Vidhya Mandir and regularly Conducts yoga and meditation classes for staff and students' mental and physical health.
Facilities for cultural activities:BIHER conducts an Inter Institute and Intra- Institute cultural fest is celebrated every year on all campuses. Students exhibit their dance, music, and other skills in cultural festivals. Sports and Cultural Committee has been constituted to guide and encourage the students to participate in all events. A 3000 capacity open auditorium, 1500 capacity indoor auditorium, and 300 capacity seminar halls are available in constituent colleges. Open Theatre is also available to conduct cultural programs and display movies at all Hostels. Besides this main cultural festival, the Schools conduct unique cultural festivals aligning with their subjects. For instance, the School of Architecture shows a kolam event cum seminar/lecture series. Similarly, the School of Arts conducts Bharathi Vizha and Ilakiya Kalai Vizha every year. Another cultural festival named 'Marghazhi Festival' is undertaken, which is open to all students to exhibit their talents in any area they are interested in. The sports and cultural activities provide opportunities for the students to exhibit their talents and help cultivate the qualities of competitive spirit, teamwork, and ethics.
4.1.3 Availability of general campus facilities and overall ambience
Response :The general facilities and overall ambiance at all the campuses are vibrant and student-centric. Adequacy of academic infrastructure in terms of classrooms, laboratories and libraries, hostel facilities in all campuses, medical support with the establishment of health centers/counseling centers in all campuses, facilities for recreational activities, sports, and yoga; lush green and vegetative campuses, provision for safe drinking water, etc facilitates student academic support and also in terms of overall development. Topography and signages are available on all campuses. Campuses are barrier-free for facilitating the differently-abled, in the form of ramps, railings, lifts, etc. Assistive physical and academic support for the differently-abled persons makes the campus facilities inclusive to everyone. Having understood the utility of a physically thriving and vibrant campus that makes a good impression, instills pride, and creates a sense of unity, all campuses of BIHER have been beautifully landscaped; and the green campus initiative includes lawns and park make the campus environment distinctly green. Smart farm projects have been implemented in campuses for the vegetable garden under the School of Agriculture.
University has provision for canteen facility in all campuses, banking and ATM facility at all campuses. The Students Affair Centre was established at the main campus, to ensure the effective delivery of student-related services enable provision for video conferencing systems, web center for students, the student union office, disabled-friendly toilets, ladies restroom, special room for lactating women, transgender room, and green computing solutions. Campuses also have parks and open spaces for recreation and cultural activities, and outdoor eco-friendly classrooms for academic discourses and discussions for faculty and students.
Overall, the different large academic and administrative edifices, provision of playgrounds, and recreation in the campuses provide a serene ambiance to teach, learn and develop skills and facilitates teachers and students to indulge in creative and innovative activities The Institute has thus been able to develop the right mix of infrastructural facilities for the all-rounded growth and development of its academia and the student community by providing an overall ambiance for unearthing the true potential of the students to enable the industry/research-oriented education in line with the NEP. The vast sit out areas, the cafeterias, and wide lobby and common areas in all blocks provide the much-required ambiance for the interaction and exchange of ideas within the academia and students, make presentations, exhibition spaces for the display of ideas and prototypes of their research to bring out their capabilities to meet the competitive and ever-dynamic global environment. BIHER campus facilities also include the Health Care Centre to take care of the immediate medical needs of the Campus residents. A student activity center with the alumni office, cafeteria, multi-option mess, and food outlets at various buildings take care of the food buds of the occupants. A day boarding center for children of faculty and staff is also being set up. It also houses Incubation Centre to assist those who become job givers rather than job seekers through its Incubation and Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurship Development.
4.1.4 Average percentage of expenditure excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
4.2 Library as a Learning Resource :
4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) and has digitisation facility .
Response :
Overall :Learning Resource Centres at BIHER comprise the central library and Seven Institution libraries. In addition to that, each school of BIHER is equipped with a sufficient number of reference Books and domain-specific Journals. The Library Advisory Committee has put up policy and budget in place so that the same is adequately stacked at all times for use by the students and faculty.
Management :All libraries are Wi-Fi enabled and have a state-of-the-art computerized machine and digital tablets to provide easy access to our online resources. Critical functions of the library viz., registration of visitors, issue/return of books, accession records of all hard copy resources, and Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), are fully automated by barcoding of all the books easy scan bar code readers. Need-based reprography services viz. printing, photocopying and scanning are also available in the library. Library Automation Software: "Autolib" used for automating all the benefits of the library is the most advanced open-source Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). Autolib is a web-based ILMS with a SQL database (MySQL) backend, cataloging data stored in a University server. The user interface is easily configurable, adaptable, and translated into many languages.
Books and Periodicals :The libraries have more than five lakhs books with 50,000 titles on various subjects, including a large number of reference books covering atlases, biographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals, yearbooks, etc. With an annual subscription to about 530 National and International print journals, 20,00,000 e-journals, e-books, and 7000 audio eBooks, libraries in BIHER provide precious print resources to the users. So far, research scholars have submitted 2000 Masters and Doctoral theses to the central library. E copies of the Ph.D. theses are regularly updated on the Shodhganga platform.
Databases :Regular subscription to databases and services like IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Knowledge Hub, DELNET, WORLD eBook Library, Nature Masterclasses, EBSCO, ProQuest ABI/INFORM Global, Bentham Science, Science Direct, Animal Simulator, Lexicomp, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga membership, NPTEL, etc., enrich the overall knowledge bank of the library. Using Nature Masterclasses content, users can sharpen their research paper writing skills. Access to services like Science Direct, ProQuest, IEEE Xplore Bentham Sciences, etc., enables our staff and students to be updated in the subject of their interests. The students' extensive use of course contents developed by NPTEL led the University to win the best New Local Chapter award. BIHER has installed DSpace and a dedicated server for maintaining a regular repository of essential documents like old question papers, Ph.D. Theses, Masters Theses, Open access articles, etc. BIHER subscribes to plagiarism check software Turnitin, which is also provided to end-users through the library .
Response :
4.2.2 Institution has subscription for e-Library resources
4.2.3 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
4.2.4 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access) (Data for the latest completed academic year)
4.3 IT Infrastructure :
4.3.1 Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT - enabled facilities such as LCD, smart board, Wi-Fi/LAN, audio video recording facilities .(Data for the latest completed academic year)
4.3.2 Institution has an IT policy, makes appropriate budgetary provision and updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi facility .
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) recognizes that we are living in a digital world, and IT infrastructure is critical at all levels of the University’s functioning, which includes Governance, Academics, and Research for all stakeholders, including faculty, researchers, students, administrators, staff and parents. This consists of two aspects: data storage, retrieval, and analysis, and the second is access to worldwide information networks while preserving the safety and security of information. For this purpose, BIHER has established an Office of Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES), which has architected a comprehensive IT Policy that is founded on the following principles:
Facilitate education, research, instructional, and University approved business practices.o Build and utilize an agile, resilient IT and telecommunication network to concurrently provide infrastructural and operational efficiency playing a pivotal role in teaching, learning, and research activities.
o Provide leadership for planning, installation, expansion, and maintenance of state-of-the-art critical computing infrastructure, including the latest IT and Networking resources.
o Define acceptable user responsibilities policies for provisioning and maintaining IT resources Place foremost importance and priority for preserving and protecting data integrity and security for the University and its legitimate users.
o Ensure legality of all software and compliance with government regulations.
The implementation of the above BIHER IT Policy objectives is made very complex by the heterogeneity and scale of the IT infrastructure consisting of:Our fundamental approach in implementing the IT Policy in such a complex network is as follows :
1. Unified Threat Management (UTM) System including Intrusion Prevention System, Intrusion.
2. Detection System, Content Filtering, and Deep Packet Inspection.
3. Anytime anywhere access to IT services for users on the go. Ease of use of multiple services through Single Sign On (SSO)
4. Use of virtualized servers to optimize resource utilization and promote green computing Continuous logging of user activity to ensure compliance to IT Policy
The Budgetary provisions made in the last five years are shown in the supporting document. The budgetary allocations have been directed towards enhancing computing/network infrastructure and the development of in-house ERP solutions.
Expansion Plans :Enhancement of Internet Bandwidth (5x in 5 years)
Upgrading of Wi-Fi to IEEE 802.11ax standards providing a whopping speed of 11 Gbps
Massive storage to enable faculty and students to use media-rich content in their teaching-learning process and digital library access
4.3.3 Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
4.3.4 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
4.3.5 Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development (Leased line)
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure :
4.4.1 Average percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component during the last five years
4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) has a well-organized system for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic, and support facilities, including a laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, and classrooms. For prompt and correct action to be initiated, starting from the first moment, the maintenance and utilization systems are kept distinct. The maintenance department comprises of estate section, computer center, technical section, and store section. 1. The estate section looks after civil, mechanical, and electrical affairs.
2. The Technical section manages the telephonic and EPBX communication setup of the university.
3. The Store section manages inventory supply to all Sections and Schools while the computer center maintains the IT infrastructure, including computers, networks, internet and intranet, and all smart devices.
Computer Centre :The computer center has a well-designed system of maintaining campus IT infrastructure across the Schools and the administrative section. Their several requisition forms are made available by the center to the Schools and section. Once the requisition form is submitted to the Computer Centre, it will take care of the matter in the prescribed manner to get it accomplished. Financial power is vested with the center to a certain level, and after that, it needs to take approval from the higher authorities
Estate section :The Estate section is responsible for looking after the civil, mechanical, and electrical affairs on the widespread campus. BIHER has practiced executing annual rate contracts of maintenance for overall electrifications, air conditioning facilities, water supply system, street light system, RO plant, water cooler system, infrastructure, campus cleaning, rooftop solar system cleaning, inverter system, lift maintenance, campus security, maintenance of landscaping, and garden. The procedure with the Estate Section is comparatively simple; one has to just put a request on Prescribed forms, which is available in the central office, mentioning the type of service required in the name of University Engineer. The authorities then assign the task to an appropriate employee or contractor and will follow it up for satisfactory completion
Library :The Central Library and Institutional Libraries have diverse books, journals, magazines, dailies and e-books, and e-journals. The library has adequate staff to look after its maintenance. The Central library collects requisites from every academic School for the resources to be procured every year and gets the necessary funds sanctioned from the university. Upon approving the funds, new resources are procured to enrich the library
Criterion V – Student Support and Progression
5.1 Student Support :
5.1.1 Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, Government and non-government agencies (NGOs) during the last five years (other than the students receiving scholarships under the government schemes for reserved categories)
5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefited by career counseling and guidance for competitive examinations offered by the Institution during the last five years
5.1.3 Following Capacity development and skills enhancement initiatives are taken by the institution
5.1.4 The Institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
5.2 Student Progression :
5.2.1 Average percentage of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the last five years (eg: NET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOEFL/Civil Services/State government examinations)
5.2.2 Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years
5.2.3 Percentage of recently graduated students who have progressed to higher education (previous graduating batch)
5.3 Student Participation and Activities :
5.3.1 Number of awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at inter-university/state/national/international events (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years
5.3.2 Presence of Student Council and its activities for institutional development and student welfare.
Response :The Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research has a vibrant Student Council. The Student Council aims to protect the rights of the students in terms of meeting their needs related to education, health, sports, and culture by taking the issues to administrative and academic authorities and to involve in the institutional development.
Constitution of Student Council :The Student Council comprises of Chairperson, Secretary, and a representative from each School. The Council functions under the overall supervision of the Dean, Student Affairs. The Dean, Student Affairs participates in the meeting of the Student Council as ex-officio. The eligibility criterion for nomination to Council includes regular attendance, a good record of conduct, academic excellence, and participation in various departmental activities. It meets once a semester and discusses issues of importance.
Functions of the Student Council relating to Curricular and Co-curricular activities :The Student Council plays a significant role in involving all the students in various programs. The Council has representation in the Board of Studies(BoS), where they give feedback on the existing curriculum and the areas to be included to update the curriculum. The Council involves the functioning of various clubs such as media, literary, fine arts, and eco-club to encourage students to portray their latent talents. It plays an active role in support of sports and cultural activities in identifying the student's talents and motivating them to take an active part in such activities. It also has a representative in the Library Advisory Committee to ensure adequate availability of books, periodicals, and other resources in the library.
Role of Student Council in Extension Activities :The Student Council takes an active part in Swachh Bharat, NCC, NSS, and Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Schemes to develop the adopted nine villages in environmental cleanliness, child education, health, and hygiene programs. The Student Council members are in NSS, NCC, YRC, Red Ribbon Club, Blood Donors Club, Go Green Club, and Road Safety Awareness Programme.
The Student Council did an impressive job during the Chennai flood and Kaja Cyclone and got appreciation from District Administration and local people. The Council has collected and distributed free clothes and food to the affected people and conducted medical camps to treat the ailments caused due to the flood and cyclone
Activities relating to Student Welfare :The Student Council monitors the hostel facilities. If there is any break-down / repair to be done, it is brought to the notice of the administration through the deputy warden. It supervises the maintenance of hygiene, choice, and quality of menu in canteen and mess.Transport facilities are scheduled as per the requirements of students as suggested by the Council. It plays an essential role in Industry-Institution linkage for the benefit of the students in identifying the companies for their internship and placement
The student council is sensitive to the welfare of its peers and contributes significantly to the development of the institution.
5.3.3 Average Number of Sports and Cultural Events / Competitions Organised by the Institution Per Year.
5.4 Alumni Engagement :
5.4.1 The Alumni Association/Chapters (registered and functional) contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and other support services during the last five years
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research has a registered Four Alumni Association.
1. "Alumni Association of Bharath Institute of Science and Technology" bearing Registration No. SRG/Chennai south/124/2021 dated 24th February 2021 registered under section-10 of the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act 1975 ( Tamilnadu act 27 of 1973).
2. "Sree Balaji Dental college old students society" bearing Registration No. SRG/Chennai south/133/2021 dated25th February 2021 registered under section-10 of the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act 1975 ( Tamilnadu act 27 of 1973).
3. "Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital Alumni Association" bearing Registration No. Sl. No.446/2015 dated 03rd November 2015 registered under section-10 of the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act 1975 ( Tamilnadu act 27 of 1973).
4. "Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Science Alumni Association" bearing Registration No.466/2015 dated. 28 October 2015 registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, Puducherry.
The University has a strong base of Alumni and a close link between the Alumni, staff, and students. A comprehensive list of BIHER alumni has given valuable contributions to Nation Building. Alumni Associations of BIHER have linked with the proper digital platform of the dedicated web portal. The web portal is https://alumni.bharathuniv.ac.in
Alumni Mentorship :The University frequently invites the Alumni association members for guest lectures and to share their work experiences. BIHER alumni have a broad knowledge of working in various organizations across various fields of activities. They provide career guidance and help students choose a better domain as their career aspirations. They also help students by delivering summer and winter internship projects, ensuring students' experiential learning.
Alumni as Academic Advisory :Alumni feedback enriches the course curriculum as per the changing regional, social, national, and international scenarios. Their valuable suggestions help the University develop an innovative syllabus and course curriculum for various programs.
Monetary and Non-monetary Contribution:The Alumni Association actively provides a monetary contribution to student welfare and renovation of laboratory and infrastructural facilities, i.e., Auditorium renovation, ICT at classrooms, books for needy students, financial support for economically students, etc. The Alumni regularly contribute to the development of the University in various capacities. Alumni help get official permissions to visit highly advanced government laboratories and industries for an educational visit, which are not easily accessible for students and the general public.
Alumni meet:Every year university organizes Alumni meetings to provide a platform to share Alumni feelings and experiences with students, faculties, administrators of the University.
5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in lakhs)
Criterion VI – Governance, Leadership and Management
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership :
6.1.1 The institution has a clearly stated vision and mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance
Response :The Vision of Bharath Institute f Higher Education and Research(BIHER) is “Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research (BIHER) envisions and constantly strives to provide an excellent academic and research ambiance for students and members of the faculties to acquire professional competence along with human dignity, and spearhead the transformation of community through continuous discovery in science and technology.”
The Mission of BIHER is :
To develop as a Premier University for Teaching, Learning, Research, and Innovation on par with leading global universities.
To impart education and training to students for creating a better society with ethics and morals. To foster an interdisciplinary approach in education, research, and innovation by supporting lifelong professional development, enriching knowledge banks through scientific research, promoting best practices and innovation, industry-driven and institute-oriented cooperation, globalization, and international initiatives.
To develop as a multi-dimensional institution contributing immensely to the cause of societal advancement through the spread of literacy, an ambiance that provides the best of international exposures, includes health care, enriches rural development, and most importantly, imparts value-based education.
To establish benchmark standards in professional practice in innovative and emerging areas in medicine, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy, allied sciences, engineering, and management.
To launch new programs with innovative curriculum design by providing multi-faceted exposure in various subjects.
To provide flexibility to students - options/add-ons to core subjects, develop Device Agnostic Technology to access online content.
To generate funding/incubation entrepreneurial ideas, Flipped classroom thro Integrated Courses & Need-based learning
The Core Values of the University that guide its functioning are
Integrity and Ethics Inclusiveness and Diversity Student Centric Approach Aspiring for Excellence Participatory Governance Collaboration SustainabilityBIHER is committed to creating a world-class educational platform with competent faculty for the holistic development of the students.
1. The University has qualified academicians and administrators to provide effective leadership and management at various levels:
• University Level
• Institutional Level • Department Level
• Program Level • Course Level2. The Decision making Authorities of the University Include:
• The Board of Management
• The Academic Council • The Finance Committee
• The Planning and Monitoring Committee • Board of StudiesTheir functioning is reflected in the record of their meetings and minutes.
3. The Vice-Chancellor, as the Principal Executive and Academic Officer, and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Deans, Head of Departments and Centres, etc., steer the University towards fulfilling its vision and mission.
4. The University involves the faculty and staff members in developing and implementing the management system at various levels. The faculty members are nominated in multiple statutory bodies and committees for decision-making and managing the functioning of the University. Regular inputs are taken from faculty and staff through meetings for continuous improvement in the system.
5. The Leadership ensures the compliance of academic and administrative processes and procedures and continual improvement through systematic audits by the Quality Assurance Framework (Internal Quality Assurance Cell). It sets the pace for all members of the University to work collectively towards the vision and mission.
6.1.2 The effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) believes in a participative management approach and decentralization of powers. Participative management is the critical element of the BIHER. This helps the University move ahead and helps the employees develop themselves by making decisions on strategic administrative issues and hence governs the overall development of the University.
BIHER has Head/Coordinators at the School level who passionately and independently govern various activities like academic matters, curriculum designing, allocation of courses for an academic semester, examination coordination, research activities, organizing conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, guest lectures, and field/industrial visits. All these activities are steered and guided by Deans and supported by the administrative staff, ensuring absolute autonomy at the same time.
To ensure that all stakeholders get the full opportunity to display their administrative expertise, numerous committees are formed to smoothen academic processes and other administrative activities. These committees ensure the participation and appointment of Coordinators, right from the office of the Dean and Registrar.
All the Schools of the university work under the direct supervision of the Vice-Chancellor, and routine administrative and academic activities of various schools are managed by the Registrar and Deans, respectively. The university examination and Evaluation system offer a transparent and efficient practice to strengthen the teaching learning process. The Controller of Examination supervises the examination of all the schools of the University. The following committees are in place to decentralize the academic and administrative activities at School levels:
• Academic Audit Committee
• Admission and Admission Review Committee • Alumni Committee
• Code of Ethics and Contact Monitoring Committee • Cultural Committee • Examination Disciplinary Committee • Extension Program Committee • Hostel and Canteen Committee • Internal Committee for Disabled Students • Internal Complaints Committee for prevention of Sexual Harassment • Library Advisory Committee • Purchase Committee • Research Advisory Committee • Sport Committee • Staff Grievances redressal Committee • Staff Selection Committee • Student Disciplinary Committee • Student Grievances Redressals Committee • Student Affair & Welfare Committee • Transportation Committee • Women Empowerment CommitteeRole & Responsibilities of the Administrative Committees :The Committee is responsible for implementing and executing the policies adopted by the School, managing the fiscal matters, and making day-to-day administration decisions. The Committee is also responsible for devising methods and procedures for the professional growth of the support staff in the department.
Role & Responsibilities of the Academic Committees :The Committee is responsible for implementing and executing the Academic improvements like conducting BOS, introducing any new course or subject, syllabus development.
Role & Responsibilities of the Research & Development Committee :To oversee and supervise Research and Development activities and to ensure performance by proper monitoring of research projects and engagement in all the research thrust areas with the management. It also identifies, defines, and promotes research initiatives at the School level.
These Committees work under the Chairmanship of the Dean of each School and Institution.
BIHER is a dynamic and vibrant Institution that ensures effective feedback for all academic and administrative processes and always looks for innovative ideas to promote the well-being of its students and faculty.
6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment :
6.2.1 The institutional Strategic plan is effectively deployed.
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) has a perspective plan for development that aligns with the vision and mission for which it has been established. BIHER is committed to imparting quality-based education.
Teaching & Learning :BIHER offers courses in UG/ PG/ Ph.D./ Programme in different streams like Engineering, Medical, Dental, Law, Architecture, Arts and Science, Pharmacy, Management, Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Agriculture. The perspective plan of the university is designed to have periodical reforms in teaching and learning aspects. This includes student choice of courses, ICT-based learning, participatory teaching-learning process, feedback system, and continuous assessment/evaluation system.
Research & Development :To promote the research work university holds the International & National Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, various Lectures, and Webinar series of experts from all disciplines. The university also encourages the faculty members to publish research papers in National & International Research Journals and e-journals of repute with high impact factors.
Community Engagement :Students are encouraged to propagate literacy programs among needy peoples, particularly for the children of economically weaker classes, and teach the illiterate community of our society. BIHER of Emerging Sciences and Technology has a particular commitment to women's education and supports this vision by offering scholarships to female students through initiatives like "Lakshmi Ammal Scholarships" for the upliftment of women.
Human Resource Planning & Development :BIHER has a clear vision for human resource development for its faculty resources' capacity building and capability enhancement.
Industry interaction :Industry Oriented Hands-on Courses are available in the degree programs, and dissertations are alternative options in higher-level programs. These form a controlled simulation of real-life situations. Students undergo the rigor of the professional world in form and substance, thus providing them an opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge to live conditions. BIHER organizes various industry visits for its students for disciplines to offer practical exposure in addition to their curriculum requirements. Special interactive sessions are also conducted for students through guest lectures by experts from Industries
Curriculum design and development :BIHER ensures effective curriculum development and delivery through a well-planned process. To ensure the alignment of curriculum with the latest technology and requirement of the employers, the university conducts Board of Studies (BOS) meetings to update/revise the curriculum from time to time for all the programs. Experts from academia and industry are invited to discuss and finalize the curriculum. After detailed discussion by the experts and keeping in view, feedback received from subject teachers and students' curriculum is forwarded to Academic Council for improvement/approval and on approval by Academic Council designed curriculum is implemented.
BIHER has a robust system to achieve the goals through Strategic Plans, keeping in view accountability. The outcomes/feedback of the Strategic plan are reviewed, and key points are used for developing the following Strategic plans under the guidance of the Vice-Chancellor by Deans and all faculty members of the various Schools.
6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures,etc
Response :
The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient:
1. BIHER has a clearly defined organizational hierarchy and structure (Organogram appended) to support decision-making processes that are clear and consistent with their purpose. The organizational structure lends itself to sustaining institutional capacity and educational effectiveness through the involvement of stakeholders in various Committees/ Boards.
2. The Statutes of the Deemed-to-be-University provide for various Statutory Authorities of the University to provide policy framework and direction for the functioning of the University and fulfilment of its objectives:
o The Board of Management
o The Academic Council
o The Finance Committee
o The Planning and Monitoring Committee
o Board of Studies
The functions of various Committees/ Boards are defined in the UGC Act.:
3. Besides the Board of Management and Academic Council, the following are some of the Non-statutory bodies (listed below) are constituted which evaluate, monitor and recommend in respect of various matters related to - Review, Design and Evaluation of Course Curriculum; Education Effectiveness; Research; Examination and Evaluation, etc.
4. External members are a part of the various Committees for providing perspectives and bringing transparency and fairness to the system.
5. In addition to these, there are several student and faculty committees/Clubs for decentralized management of activities/ affairs and better functioning and effective learning
6.The roles and responsibilities of various bodies are well defined to ensure role clarity and accountability. The details of multiple committees and leadership roles and responsibilities are given in the additional information.
7. Service Rules, Promotion Policies, Welfare Schemes, and Grievance Redressal mechanisms are in place. The University has a well-structured system for the professional development of the faculty and staff. Achievements of faculty and staff are recognized with financial and non-financial incentives.
8. The Grievances of the faculty, staff, and students are redressed on time to keep them motivated and efficiently performing.
Response :
6.2.3 Institution Implements e-governance in its areas of operations
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies :
6.3.1 The institution has a performance appraisal system, promotional avenues and effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff .
ResponseTo ensure timely, transparent, and merit-based performance appraisal, BIHER has a ‘Performance Based Appraisal Policy’ for Teaching/Non-Teaching Staff. Assessment is conducted through the HRMS module of ERP. The Performance-Based Appraisal System (PBAS) has been framed as per guidelines stipulated by the UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2010 (amended from time to time) which state that teachers would be assessed and graded annually through Academic Performance Indicator (API) based PBAS for their performance and become eligible for promotions.
I. Performance Appraisal for Faculty Members
The faculty uses the following types of forms depending upon the number of levels of assessment:Faculty Member (3 level assessment):
HOD--Reporting Manager--Dean-Review Manager--VC-Senior Review ManagerFaculty Member (2 level assessment):
Dean–Reporting Manager -- VC --Review ManagerFaculty Member (1 level assessment):
VC - Reporting Manager.II. Performance Appraisal for Non-Faculty Members
Supervisory and Non-Supervisory Staff are judged on distinctive metrics.
Non-Faculty Members use the following forms:Staff Member (Supervisory Role- 3 Level):
Reporting Manager--Review Manager-- Senior Review-Manager –VCStaff Member (Supervisory Role-2 Level):
Reporting Manager--Review ManagerStaff Member (Supervisory Role- 1 Level):
Reporting Manager.Staff Member (Non-Supervisory Role- 3 Level):
Reporting Manager -- Review Manager--Senior Review Manager.Staff Member (Non-Supervisory Role- 1 Level):
Reporting ManagerAppraisal Period Coverage is from 1st July to 30th June of the next year. HR Cell issues forms in May each year and carries out analysis at the end of August to release performance-linked benefits for employees. Promotions are granted under the ‘Career Advancement Scheme (CAS)’ which follows guidelines proposed by the UGC. Forms in the prescribed format submitted by faculty are perused by HR Cell which verifies/evaluates API scores and performance appraisal marks secured by the candidate and recommends suitability for promotion. BIHER provides a host of Welfare Measures to create a conducive environment and keep employees motivated.
Some prominent measures are listed o Benevolent Fund - support faculty and staff in unforeseen situations of ill-health, death of dear
o ones, or financial distress. In event of loss of life in-service, the job is provided to dependents and
o educational support for children
o Maternity and Paternity Leave
o Special Leave in case of Self-marriage and death of spouse/ own parents Study leave during Higher Studies.
o 8 days annual leave for attending conferences and training in India and Abroad Financial Support to faculty for academic enhancement Compensatory leave
o Women’s welfare Cell to address needs of women
o Group Insurance Policy for Faculty and Staff Provision for Provident Fund and ESIC Access to Library
o Campus cafes & canteen
o Bank and ATM facility
o Laptops for Staff
o Car parking
o Pollution-free, safe and sprawling campus
o Diwali gifts for Staff and Faculty Teachers’ Day Gift for Faculty Grievance Redressal Mechanism to address complaints Fee concession to ward of employees
o Consideration in employment towards of employees
6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years
6.3.3 Average number of professional development / administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the last five years
6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP)during the last five years (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course )
6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization :
6.4.1 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources .
Response : The main objective of resource mobilization and optimal utilization of resources is to ensure prudent use of funds and make them available for growth and development.
BIHER has the following sources of mobilizing funds:Internal Sources :
o Fee collection from Students
o Registration fee collected from participants in Conferences/Seminars/ Workshops/ Training Programmes,
o Fee from Corporate Training Programme
o Consultancy charges from Research and Consultancy activities by the faculty membersExternal Sources :
o Contribution from Trustees
o Bank Finance
o Donations from Alumni and others Endowment Funds
o Income from Training and Consultancy Interest on the endowment fund
o Grants/ Sponsorships for organizing Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops etc.
Strategies for Utilization of Funds :
o Payment of salary of teaching and non-teaching staff of the University.
o Extensive efforts for visibility (advertisements, exhibitions, etc.) were undertaken to increase the strength of students for various programs.
o Wide publicity and Programs organized by the University to attract more participants.
o Staff members and research scholars are constantly motivated to apply for funded research projects from various funding agencies such as DST-SERB, DBT, ICMR, AICTE, etc.
o Incentives are provided, and staff members are recognized for quality contributions in research and consultancy.
o Series of workshops/ Conferences are organized in relevant areas to improve publications and research work.
o The Alumni network is strengthened by organizing meetings, honoring alumni, and establishing an alumni chapter.
o Financial assistant to faculties for paper presentation
o Expense on Placement activities.
o Applying for Research and consultancy projects sponsored by industries and other bodies Purchase of high-end equipment for Research Laboratories and Centre of Excellence Application for patenting innovations.
o Organization of Annual functions and Exhibitions to encourage talents of students.
o Conduct Sports and cultural Events regularly at Inter and Intra University level for Staff and Students.
o Adequate funds are allocated for effective teaching-learning practices that include Orientation Programs, Workshops, Inter-disciplinary activities, training programs, Refresher Courses that ensure quality education.
o Adequate funds are allocated to meet day-to-day operational and administrative expenses and maintenance of fixed assets.
o Adequate funds are utilized for the development and maintenance of the infrastructure of the University
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from government bodies during the last five years for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V ) (INR in Lakhs)
6.4.3 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V
6.4.4 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly
Response :The activities of BIHER are conducted around academics, research including intramural and extramural grants, patient care, continuing education programs, national and international conferences. Consequently, internal and external funding, in association with the proposed budget, expenditure incurred, and pertinent details, acquire a significance covered under this policy as mandated by statutory bodies, regulatory agencies, and accrediting bodies/councils. BIHER has institutional mechanisms to monitor the effective and efficient use of financial resources for the financial year (April to March) every year. The annual budget of Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure are recommended annually by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Management. .
Financial Statements are compared and analyzed. Recurring and capital expenditures are managed to be within the budgeted resources of the institution. There is a regular internal audit of all day-to-day transactions. Besides, the annual statutory audit mechanism exists. BIHER has engaged internal and external auditors to verify and certify the Income and Expenditure and the Capital Expenditure each year. A qualified institutional Auditor from External Resources has been permanently appointed with a team of staff verifying all the transaction vouchers in each financial year. The external audit is carried out elaborately, taking regular internal audit reports. If there are any significant findings/ objections/ minor errors, the Audit team will point out the same for immediate correction/ rectification. Precautionary steps will be taken to avoid recurrence of such mistakes in the future with due notice to the Finance Committee for further action. The Finance Committee receives the internal audit reports to submit to the Board of Management. The internal audit will access the internal controls and accounting systems within the University and focus on critical financial/ strategic issues across all campuses of BIHER. Any School of BIHER scheduled for audit will be contacted in advance and informed of the audit visit. The Heads of the Audited Institutions and School Officials attending the audit will be explained the purpose of the audit. The draft report will be prepared for the School to comment upon, and there will be a closing meeting. The Heads of the Institutions will be encouraged to attend the closing session and complete and sign the feedback forms for consideration by the Finance Committee. The final report is then issued. BIHER appoints an External Auditor as per norms to provide an independent opinion on its annual financial statements. The financial information will summarize the financial performance during the year by showing its income and expenditure and its assets and liabilities. The External Auditor may access all accounting records and information, and the institutional staff must support the audit. The report of the External Auditors is first submitted to the Finance committee. With the committee's recommendation, the auditor's report and comments are placed before the Board of Management for its approval each year .
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System :
6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes by constantly reviewing the teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals.
Response :Since its inception, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) of BIHER has been working on developing quality and monitoring performance indicators for the institution and its constituent colleges. The IQAC has been instrumental for the revision of the Vision, Mission, Goals and the strategic plans of the constituent colleges and University departments and shifting of feedback from manual to an online system for the majority of the stakeholders like alumni, parents, employees, industry, etc. through web-based surveys and the management information system of the institution. A separate quality division has been established at the University to cater to all quality in higher education. Periodic meetings are held to monitor the progress made towards achieving higher standards in education by the constituent colleges.
The IQAC has revised the Performance-Based Appraisal System (PBAS) for the BIHER based on the University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines and considering the University's individual needs. A faculty seeking career advancement should have minimum cumulative points to be eligible for promotion to a higher cadre. The IQAC regularly conducts annual School audits, analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the individual Schools, and provides suggestions on areas of improvement for the respective Schools. These audit reports are placed in the meetings, and areas for improvement are discussed and documented.
The IQAC has participated in National Institutional ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings and QS rankings. The results have been encouraging for the IQAC as BIHER was ranked at 21st Place by NIRF in the Universities category and ranked 35th in Overall Category in two consecutive years, 2017 &2018. In NIRF-2019, BIHER was ranked at 36th in the University Category and 57th Rank in the Overall Category. In NIRF-2020, BIHER was ranked at 59th Rank in the University category and 87th Rank in the overall Category. In NIRF-2021, BIHER was ranked 51st Rank in the University category and 75th Rank in Overall Category. IQAC is also contributing a significant role in participating in International Ratings by QS-i-Gauge Rating Agency and secured "Gold Rating" for three-year validity since 2019-22. IQAC is keen on quality education at BIHER and helps get Accreditation for various programs in UG and PG levels. As a result of this, BIHER's four UG- Engineering program is accredited by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), USA. In addition, Three UG-Engineering programs and one PG program are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Above all, the IQAC has regularly conducted its meetings, organized training seminars academic audits, and submitted its AQAR reports to NAAC
6.5.2 Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance
6.5.3 Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case of first cycle)
Response :Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research(BIHER) makes sure that the programs offered in and outside the curriculum include contributions to national development, fostering global competencies among students, teaching a value system among students, promoting the use of technology, and quest for excellence. The institution uses education as the medium for empowering the Nation, and through the transaction of the curriculum, it has adopted. It seeks to address the overall development of the students enrolled in the various academic programs.
Several post accreditation quality improvements have been taken during the last five years:-
o Regular meetings of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
o Feedback collected, analysed, and used for improvements
o Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)/ Signing of MoUs
o Quality audit recognized by the state, national or international agencies (ISO certification) Eco-friendly campus with the diversity of Biodiversity Wi-fi Connectivity
o Solar Photovoltaic Power Stations
o Regulation and Syllabus revision
o Internal and External Academic Audit
o Periodic review of the performance of teaching and non-teaching staff
o Feedback collection from students, faculty, alumni, parents, and industry partners
o Assessment of teaching-learning process
o Improving library and laboratory facilities
o Introduction of LMS
o Measures during Covid-19 pandemic
Post Accreditation initiative:-
o More Scholarships and fee concessions to socially and economically backward students.
o Remedial classes for slow-learners, failures, and drop-out students.
o Promotion of Research and Consultancy including Revision of Research Policy Introduction of New Integrated Courses.
o Enhancement in conducting Conferences/Seminars, Internet Facilities, Bank Facilities, Sports and
o Recreation Facilities, etc.
o Effective handout system.
o Emphasis on ICT Strengthening and introduction of ERP
o Quality research (Admission through entrance test, Course work followed by examination, RDC with external expert, Regular online/offline interaction with research students, 6-monthly progress report, pre-presentation seminar, plagiarism check, mandatory publications in UGC CARE journals, evaluation of thesis by three external experts followed by oral examination, uploading of thesis on “Shodh Ganga.”
o Campus beautification, green and clean eco-friendly campus, Facilities for specially-abled students strengthened
o e-governance implemented in administrative and examination processBIHER is constantly striving and progressing to achieve excellence in academic and research fields:-
o Curriculum Development: University prepares course curriculum through several national and international workshops, seminars, conferences, and brainstorming sessions by experts from academia, industry, and research organizations.
oResearch Activities: The University undertakes teaching and research as essential ingredients of its activities, emphasizing research productivity, innovations in education, and progress in emerging areas through its Post-Graduate and Doctoral programs.
o Innovations in Teaching: To address academic and co-curricular issues, such as academic excellence, social integration, academic competence, student involvement, and motivation, the University has adopted a five-point innovative teaching-learning approach: expectation, advice, support, involvement, and learning.
o Institution-Industry interaction Initiative: To enrich budding professionals with industry exposure, one complete semester internship program has been incorporated into the course curriculum by the University since 2015.
Criterion VII – Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities :
Gender Equity 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years.
Response :The Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) constantly strives to maintain international standards of excellence in academic output and the holistic emotional, mental, and physical well-being of its students, employees, and all its stakeholders. BIHER is committed to creating a healthy environment that enables students and faculty to learn and work without fear of prejudice, gender bias, and gender discrimination. Since its inception, BIHER has continued to remain committed to fostering an inclusive environment and to creating a fair and equitable space for all staff and students, irrespective of their gender. This is reflected in the fact that women leaders head various constituent institutes of BIHER. Gender-balanced leadership results in a greater diversity of thought and better decision-making, leading to higher employee satisfaction. An overview of the gender equity and sensitization initiatives offered to students, faculty, and staff of BIHER is presented below:
o Dean, Student Affairs is the nodal contact for all student grievances. The School of Student Affairs (SSA) and the Student Support Centre (SSC) offer practical and constructive support to students in adjusting to a new environment and social or personal challenges specific to their age group and circumstances. SSA has Single Points of Contact and a Student Affair & Welfare Committee comprising student leaders from all institutes and genders that organize awareness campaigns and outreach sessions across institutes.
o The student handbook provided to all the students during the Orientation Programme of the respective institutes contains the telephone numbers of the Dean of Student Affairs and other Committee members to ensure the safety and security of students.
o Policy on Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at Workplace is constituted by BIHER. There is a robust and fair mechanism to address sexual harassment complaints received from students and staff.
o The woman Empowerment Committee organizes various events like talks and conferences that revolve around gender equity.
o International Women’s Day is organized annually by the University to celebrate the spirit of womanhood. This committee organizes programs at regular intervals on various topics like health and mental well-being, entrepreneurship, and the financial well-being of women.
o The Students Council at every institute has a balanced representation of both male and female students, and both are equally responsible for planning, coordination, execution, and reviewing all student activities.
o Deliberating the benefit of students as also keeping in mind the general safety and security of students, each of the institutes has internal committees viz. anti-ragging committee, Student Grievance Redressal committee, Internal Compliance committee on the prevention of sexual harassment, and Student Disciplinary committee for the overall well-being of the students.
o Hostel accommodations are provided separately for boys and girls with CCTV cameras positioned across the premises. Entry into each hostel is restricted to the residents with access cards.
o Male and female faculty members are appointed as wardens for Men’s and Women’s hostels, respectively. The Hostel and Canteen committee is headed by the Chief Warden, Dean, and student representative for disciplinary measures of the hostel.
Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability 7.1.2 The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy
conservation measures -
7.1.3 Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non-degradable waste
- Solid waste management :
- Liquid waste management
- Biomedical waste management
- E-waste management
- Waste recycling system
- Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT:Garden and food waste are the primary sources of solid waste in our Institute. Garden Waste is dumped in pits. Institute has installed an incineration unit to combustion organic substances in the solid waste materials. Wooden scraps found on campus are reused in mending damaged furniture. Old newspapers, used papers and journal files, workshop scrap, etc., are given for recycling to external agencies.
LIQUID WASTE:BIHER adheres to a strict protocol of liquid waste disposal in its laboratories. The liquid waste is segregated into organic and inorganic waste. Inorganic wastes such as concentrated acidic or alkaline solutions are neutralized before removal. The organic waste yield of the Institute is limited and therefore treated with cow dung for decomposition. Liquid Waste from campus is conveyed through the underground pipelines to the Underground tank, and further, the channel is connected with the municipal sewage line. Initially, the wastewater is collected and aerated in the aeration tank. After aeration, it is flocculated using a coagulant and sent to the sedimentation tank. The water is pressure filtered then and used for gardening and watering the plants.
BIOMEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT:Biomedical waste from various sources is dumped in color-coded bags. They are taken away from the original and are left in the biomedical waste yard. To manage hazardous waste, the waste is collected, segregated, and disposed of as per the specification of biomedical waste rules, 1998. Medical wastes will be burnt in the hospital incinerator. The diesel-fired incinerator has a capacity of 100kg. The incinerator bottoms will be collected and stored on-site until they are transferred to the hazardous waste disposal site.
E-WASTE MANAGEMENT:Sources of E-waste are used batteries and computer PC Boards. They are given back to the respective suppliers. Hence generation of E-waste is too low on our campus. The printer Cartridges are refilled and reused. UPS batteries are recharged, repaired, and refilled. Non-working laboratory equipment, computers, monitors, printers, hail, etc., are treated as scrap materials. They are sold on a systematic basis, following the rules of the purchase committee. All the sold materials are then ruled out from the dead stock register for future records of safe recycling.
WATER RECYCLING SYSTEM:The campus generates liquid waste from various sources campus as the buildings of the Institute, hostels, and canteens. Liquid waste is processed in Sewage Treatment Plant, and the treated water is reused for gardening and toilet flush tanks.
HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS AND RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT:The chemicals and waste materials that are hazardous are being disposed of as per EPA norms. Used oil from Diesel Generators is dangerous and disposed of through authorized agencies. The faculty members also direct the students to use and handle chemicals in various laboratories. Used oil from hostels and transport departments are disposed of safely through vendors. Hazardous biomedical waste is incinerated regularly at a distance off the campus. Hazardous wastes are not permitted to spread into the surrounding water and soil and are safely disposed of.
7.1.4 Water conservation facilities available in the Institution:
7.1.5 Green campus initiatives include (4)
7.1.6 Quality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution (5)
7.1.7 The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier free environment
Inclusion and Situatedness 7.1.8 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities
Response :BIHER has introduced photography, designing, dance, dramatics to the entrants of all undergraduate programs irrespective of their specialization. The university also arranges welcome parties for the entrants and farewell parties for the graduating students within the campus. University has a very effective Mentor-mentee system. All the entering students are allotted a faculty counselor who guides the students from time to time for academic and non-academic development. The university celebrates regional and religious festivals at the campus to help in the holistic development of the students' personalities
The university's sports and cultural events are held every year, and students take part in this annual cultural week. Around 30 On-stage and off-stage cultural events and 15 marks are organized, and students participate in them vigorously. University also contains the "Thai Festival" - a festival of our very own state of Tamilnadu. Other activities like students performing street plays on cultural, regional, and social issues spread awareness about love, brotherhood, and oneness. These activities are conducted within campus or villages, adopted by the university under Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan. Other cultural programs have also been organized at the university to spread awareness about the cultural, regional, and societal diversities, including- Live Drama and Vocal Folk Singing Performance under 150 Years of Mahatma; a Cultural-Musical-Instrumental and Singing Program, and many more. International mother language day at the university has also been celebrated wherein various competitions related to mother language, book exhibitions, movie screenings, etc., were arranged.
NCC, NSS unit, Grievance Redressal Committee, Sports Committee, and Cultural Committee are mainly involved in organizing co-curricular and extracurricular activities within and outside the campus. Apart from these activities, the university also arranges study tours to various regional and national places of importance that expose them to diverse environments. University students voluntarily conduct classes and developmental activities for rural children at the university campus after college hours. University has also undertaken career guidance seminars, education awareness programs, and education upliftment programs in nearby schools. NCC and NSS students have also initiated activities for the welfare of animal bio-diversities at the campus like the rescue of ill or injured animals or birds, preparing water containers for birds in summer, etc.
Human Values and Professional Ethics 7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
Response :The Institute is a role model of best governance and democracy. Not only the students and Staff but every citizen of the town respects the institution for its contribution to social development. A preamble of the constitution is displayed at the entrance of the University and constituent Institutes, and it is visible to all the entrants. The fundamental duties and rights, Citizen's Charter and National Anthem are displayed on campus.
BIHER used to celebrate 'Constitution Day' on 26th November every year. Various activities will be arranged on this day to make the day meaningful. Talks of Eminent speakers are organized to reiterate the significance of the constitution of India. The birth anniversary of Thiru. E.V.Ramasamy (Periyar) is celebrated as 'Social Justice Day' in BIHER, every year on 17th September. The University will organize a massive rally in the town to spread the message of 'Social Equality' on this day. The National Unity Day is also celebrated every year in the college on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. To make the students aware of various consumer laws and rights, every year' Consumer Day' is celebrated on 24th December by the School of Law of BIHER. The issues related to consumers are dealt with in the programs titled "Consumer's Act," "Rights of Consumers," etc. Voter's Day, International Yoga Day is all celebrated on the campus. The institution has conducted legal Literacy Programs, Freedom of expression programs from time to time. The students of the School of Law visit the Session Court, Town Council, and other Govt. offices as part of their study tour. The Univerity runs a few short-term Value-added Courses in Human Rights Education.
The Institute is well aware of its role in campus cum community connections and the well-being of its neighborhood. More importantly, the Institute plays a vital role in carving students' interest in social serviced, making them good citizens of India. Our Institute has established a system to track student involvement in various social activities. Faculty members will be mentors for students and keep records for students' activities besides counseling to invoke involved social activities. Further, at the end of the semester, such data is compiled at the Dean's level, and with the Director of IQAC, they will be awarded the "Best student" Title by the Vice-Chancellor in Annual Day Celebrations. Any education is incomplete without social awareness. The students are motivated to participate in various events organized by the professional bodies of our Institute.
The following are the various events organized by the Institute from time to time about community development
· Tree Plantation
· World Water Day Celebration
· International women's day celebration
· Rural Area Development
· Swachh Bharat
· Unnat Bharath Abyan
· International yoga day
· Women's empowerment and health awareness
· Created awareness about Energy saving and power factor correction
· Leadership Skills and Soft Skills Training
· National Voters Day
7.1.10 The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard.
7.1.11 Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals .
Response :National and international commemorative days celebrations are an essential element of Bharath Institute of Higher education and Research (BIHER) for students and teachers to imbibe and strengthen the cultural values of unity in Diversity, Patriotism, Gender Equality, and more. BIHER celebrates international women's day every year to bring awareness about women's development on and off the campus by conducting special talks on women's excellence, essay writing, poem recitation, slogan framing, panel discussion, and organizing women's health through screening camps. On Women's Education Day, the university provides education to girls from nearby communities, and Royal Balaji Hospital conducts free medical health check-ups camps. The commemoration of World Environment Day, World Water Day, and International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer allows everyone to recognize their responsibility to protect the environment. The tree planting camps, street rallies, street plays, online awareness presentations, and a quiz are held for everyone on campus.
Independence Day, Republic Day, Constitution Day, National Unity Day, Voters Day, National Science Day, National Service Scheme Day, National French Day, and National Education Day are celebrated to build a sense of nationalism and patriotism among the students and staff. The NSS unit encourages students from neighboring schools to commemorate these events. Few National days are also celebrated in memory of our freedom fighters and heroes, such as the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as National Unity Day, Swami Vivekananda as National Youth Day, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan commemorated as Teachers' Day by organizing lecture series and motivational movie shows. One of the most effective weapons in the fight against raging health problems is the strength of the human connection. That is why health awareness months, weeks, and days are so crucial: they bring people together to raise awareness and show support for a common cause. BIHER organizes global public health days such as World Osteoporosis Day, World Organ Donation Day, International Day of Yoga, World Pharmacist's Day, World Sight Day, World Spine day, World Osteoporosis Day, Anaesthesia Technician Day, National Nutritional week celebration, World Mental Health Day, World Physiotherapy Day celebration, World Heart Day, International Radiology Day, Blind Flag Day and World Cancer Day. BIHER has adopted Nine villages under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan program. Through activities like Swachh Bharat Mission, Girl Child Education, Community Sensitization Programs, and Maternal and Child Health Program, the National Service Scheme (NSS) section of BIHER undertakes a variety of tasks to support, raise awareness, and assist the general people. Annual Days are organized every year to honor top rankers in different faculties. Students securing top ranks, right from the first year to last year, are felicitated at these events. Also, students are complimented for their achievement in sports, cultural activities, and other co-curricular activities. Bharath Alumni Association celebrates Annual General Meeting(AGM) that gives a supportive alumni network.
7.2 Best Practices :
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual.
Response :
1. Title of the Practice: CurriculumRedesign Objectives of the Practice Process:
One aspect of the philosophy of BIHER is that the curriculum should be dynamic (i.e. adaptive to external changes), flexible (offer enough options for students), and customizable (i.e. teachers can bring in expertise and adapt it to the context). With this in mind, BIHER enables continual assessment and frequent revision of the curriculum without losing its rigor. Feedback from students, teachers, employers, and external experts from academia/industry is incorporated into the curriculum at different levels of granularity at different intervals of time ensuring the curriculum is robust and nimble.The Context:
BIHER is a student-centric University, enabling immediate employability of students while ensuring that they acquire life-long learning and adaptation skills make it challenging to decide on content and pedagogy. Despite these constraints and challenges, BIHER has managed to ensure that curricular changes are carried out in a timely and rigorous manner.The Practice:
In 2018, BIHER evaluated the curriculum of each of its degree programs, the evaluation included a benchmarking exercise for each program against three top Universities in India and abroad in that discipline. The benchmark results were used to synthesize an integrated curriculum for all degree programs and a generic structure for higher degree programs. Subsequently, the details of the benchmark were used by the Departments to strengthen the curriculum in terms of its courses and contents. Pedagogic aspects were also improved across the board.The highlight of the process of the redesign was the consultative exercise wherein faculty members were directly engaged in multiple rounds of workshops in benchmarking, analyzing, and deciding the general structure and pedagogic elements of the curriculum. The impact of the curriculum has resulted in increased depth of specialization/discipline of specific courses in the curriculum without compromising the integrated nature and cross-disciplinary philosophy of education at BIHER. Specific highlights of the new curriculum include more elective choices for students, increased emphasis on practical/hands-on learning, increased emphasis on open assessment practices such as take-home assignments, seminars, literature surveys, teamwork, and other aspects.
A more systematic process of feedback and review is carried out over a longer period of time. Every few years, visiting committees (per Department) of experts from other academic institutions visit and assess the Department for its faculty strength, research, teaching, and institutional processes. Besides the above, we have also started a process of external review of curriculum by experts from academia and industry for each Department. This is currently going on since 2018. BIHER has also been engaging consultants to interact with and elicit views from potential/current employers of our on-campus/off-campus students regarding their expectations from our students, their assessment of qualities of our students such as preparedness, domain-specific skills, and intellectual/professional adaptability. The above feedback mechanisms are importantly supported by student feedback per course in each semester and instructor experience. Feedback is then distilled and curated into structural, content, and pedagogic requirements for the curriculum.
Evidence of Success:The impact of the curriculum redesign processes has been validated by student feedback as well as external feedback through different channels. It is found that:
o Employer feedback and responsiveness have been improving.
o Sustained and high-quality employment opportunities and offers for our students that withstand market fluctuation.
o Feedback from external reviewers has been strongly positive.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Best Practice: 2.
• The process is highly manpower (i.e. faculty time) intensive.
• Engaging external agencies introduce noise that is not always easy to filter.
• While the curriculum is robust and nimble, it is not easy to forecast the success of such revisions.1. Title of the Practice: Industry Engagement as a curricular aspect:
The objective of the practice :
BIHER follows an educational philosophy that establishes a dialectical link between theory and practice. The university curriculum is continuously being innovated upon and refreshed to reflect the latest developments in technology and trends within the industry. Pure academics are supplemented by pervasive industry engagement through the Practice School.The Context :
BIHER is an Institution of national repute with a mission to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, Management, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. It is one of the few universities that has created an institutionalized framework for achieving a vibrant environment that successfully inculcates an ambiance for experiential and cooperative learning and education.The Practice :
BIHER has introduced industry internships as an integral part of its curriculum. Each student has to do an industry internship for 3 months before he graduates. The academic curriculum of BIHER takes the classroom for a specified period to a professional location (Industrial Visit) where the students and the faculty along with the industry experts get involved in real-life problems.Evidence of Success :
BIHER’s model of education has a structured method for integrating education with practical work experience and accommodates an enriched environment of multiple learning levels and schedules for all its partners.More than 100 organizations participate in Industry Engagement Program Continuing successfully from last three decades; Covers all disciplines;
100% of students participate in Industry Internship Program The average stipend paid by industries to students is around 20K Replicated in other universities
Through the Industry Engagement Program, students are likely to gain industry exposure in more than 100 industries and be employment-ready.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
For continued success with an increasing number of campuses and students it is important to have:
1. Participation of an adequate number of organizations:
a) BIHER has forged strategic partnerships that focus on one or straddle multiple areas through focused efforts on sustained industry engagement over the years. This has ensured mutually beneficial relationships from committed organizations spread across the country and abroad.
b) Participation and sustained commitment and dedication of faculty members
c) Active Student Participation
d) Monetary Resources
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness :
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 1000 words.
Response :BIHER has increasingly adopted the approach of research-driven teaching-learning and societal development towards following its vision. Active research culture is ingrained across the campus through the integration of encouraging policies, simplified administrative procedures, infrastructural establishment and upgrade, and human resource enrichment. Qualified, trained, and self-motivated human resources, including faculty members, PG, and Doctoral students, are critical contributors to the research environment. University policy for recruiting faculty members is essentially driven towards attracting and retaining qualified individuals with a proven record in research. About 35% of faculty members are Ph.D. qualified; their research outputs are encouraged through career advancements. Currently, 54% of faculty members at BIHER are pursuing Ph.D. Academic and administrative flexibility is provided to support their progression. Diverse initiatives promote interdisciplinary research activities with complete autonomy to choose research domains and collaborative partners. So far, 1773 faculty members have been funded through BIHER seed money grants worth an average of 355 lacs in the last five years. (2015-20).
Research Advisory Committee (RAC), headed by the Vice-Chancellor and Executed by the Dean (Research), conceptualizes, improvises, and implements various research-oriented policies and practices towards sensitization, promotion, and inclusion of multiple stakeholders. Research Advisory Committee ensures quality research outputs through devising mechanisms to constitute and functionalize Doctoral Committee and Internal Review Committee for periodic review and timely achievement of the academic milestones for doctoral students. University committees also look into recognizing Ph.D. supervisors and facilitating research project funding. Presently, the university has 378 supervisors by UGC norms. Initiatives like BIHER Journals, SIRO recognition, MoUs and Institutional Ethics Committee, University Industry-Interaction Cell, financial support to pursue research nationally and internationally, further strengthen the research environment. Dr. Rela Research Centre was established to foster focused research in transplantation areas in a unique initiative towards propelling research endeavors. Subsequently, the Centre for Defence Technology was also set to engage in research across identified thrust areas of Aerospace and Defence Technology. Diverse collaborative projects are funded through government agencies, industries, and philanthropy undertaken at these centers.
Dr. Rela Research Centre has successfully executed 32 projects worth >1000 lacs INR. Over 9 Ph.D. and 53 Master's level dissertation students from within and outside BIHER have been trained so far. This Research Center has trained several students through STTPs and hands-on training programs.
Research at the Centre of Defence Technology focuses on Aerospace and Deference Technology through various inter-institutional collaborations. Around 28 students from BIHER and other colleges have been trained through dissertation projects, while >500 students have benefitted from specialized courses. The center of Defence Technology boasts of an outstanding outreach through internship programs for Doctoral, master's, and Bachelor's level students from various Institutions. Students are exposed to the concepts of cosmology through a unique course in Aerospace and an MoU with Birla Planetarium, Chennai.
University Sophisticated Instrumentation Facility has been developed to support advanced research. This includes the central instrumentation labs and specialized labs like Biological Research laboratory, Molecular Diagnostics Lab, Centre of Excellence in AI, Supercomputing Lab, to name a few. Besides, the university has supported the establishment of independent research labs for over 15 projects funded by government agencies like DST-SERB, DBT, TNSCST, ICMR, AICTE, etc., across the constituent institutes. NABL accredited CABs (Testing, Calibration, and Medical Laboratories) Labs have been established to foster on-campus consultancy projects at Chennai and Puducherry campuses.
Undergraduate, postgraduate & doctoral students faculties from different institutes on-campus and near vicinity get an opportunity to obtain multidisciplinary exposure in science and technology using these facilities; through the emphatic implementation of the in-house dissertation, interdisciplinary projects, industrial projects, training, and visits. In turn, this experience transpires into a higher level of teaching-learning practices and better prospects in placement and higher studies. Some of the student project outcomes have yielded research publications and patents. Students are also supported financially to present their research work in various scientific/technical events.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell(EDC) and Bharath Technology Incubation Cell have effectively strengthened the entrepreneurial ecosystem by supporting 45 start-up projects and benefiting 2000+ students through various initiatives. These all-round inputs at BIHER have translated into more than 15000 research publications with the highest h-index of 136 on the Scopus database with more than 50,000 citation index, 600+ industrial consultancy projects worth >14 Crores successfully implemented on campus, 150 MoUs for diverse research activities, a total of 9 patents awarded, 450 patents are published, and over 500 research-oriented events organized to augment the research network. BIHER has 18 researchers appearing in the world's top 2% most-quoted scientists.
Research & extension initiatives are also focussed on healthcare deliverables to improve quality of life in rural vicinity, including health surveys & camps in collaboration with the Government of Tamilnadu and infrastructural setups like Covid-care center and Molecular Diagnostic lab recently. As volunteers, facilitators, or end-beneficiaries, increasing efforts involve the local community in various research initiatives. Ultimately, the infrastructural and intellectual capacity backed by the appropriate administrative framework and socially-driven ideologies contributes towards evolving as a research-oriented organization, determined to impart research-driven education, nurture skilled individuals and benefit society through innovative solutions for a better future.
Annual Quality Assurance Report :
Annual Quality Assurance Report :
Vision Implementation Plan
- Launch new programs with innovative curriculum design - Provide exposure to multiple subjects to get multifaceted exposure.
- Flexibility to students - options / add-ons to core subjects, develop Device Agnostic Technology to access online content
- Funding / incubation entrepreneurial ideas, Flipped class room – Integrated Courses & Need based learning.
- Industry relevant topics for applied research. Platforms (forums, seminars) for industry-academia collaboration - nodal agencies.
- Allocate funding for development of research oriented infrastructure, the requisite environment for R&D.
- Attract top notch researchers to lead collaborative research between multiple stake holders.
- Increase expenditure on R&D to 35% in 2023, 40% in 2028 & 45% in 2033. Provide funding for community focused development oriented research.
- Grant autonomy to well performing Departments / Research Centres / Centre of Excellence to devise their own mechanisms to recruit faculty.
- Encourage active participation of the industry experienced professionals in teaching and offering sabbaticals, incentives & promotions for all faculties.
- Tenure based system, performance based remuneration system.
- Financial support for Exchange programs, knowledge update. Best - in - class faculty to carry out collaborative research activities with top institutions. Students
- State of the Art teaching / pedagogy / learning / research / sports / infrastructure & amenities.
- Design courses competing with the best, most sought after courses of top international institutions
- “Feel at Home” Accommodation – Hostels to accommodate students – Scholarship support – “Earn while Learn”
Consolidated Financial Summery for each block of 5 years
Particulars | |||
First 5 years 2018 - 2023 |
Next 5 years 2023 - 2028 |
Last 5 years 2028 - 2033 |
Revenue Streams Academic Non Academic Total(A) |
13,001.49 836.23 13,847.72 |
21,558.66 1,392.84 22,951.50 |
38,186.65 2,550.87 40,737.51 |
Recurring Expenditure Streams Staff Payments & Benefits Academic Expenses Non Academic Expenses Deprecistion Total (B) |
2,595.34 4,726.54 4,247.42 114.18 11,683.48 |
3,708.73 7,427.71 6,345.77 175.88 17,658.10 |
5,580.37 18,088.84 10,111.93 284.12 34,045.26 |
Excess of Income over | 2,164.24 | 5,293.40 | 6,692.25 |
Expenditure (A-B) | |||
Capital Expenditure | 1,947.81 | 4,764.06 | 6,023.03 |
Surplus transferred to General Fund | 216.42 | 529.34 | 669.22 |
Particulars | 2018 - 2023 | 2023 - 2028 | 2028 - 2033 |
Students in Nos. | 15000 | 25000 | 50000 |
Staff Ratio | 1:7 | 1:5 | 1:3 |
Foreign Students as % of total Student Strength | 5% | 10% | 15% |
Resident Scholars as % of total student strength | 65% | 70% | 75% |
Strength Of The Institution
- 6 Campuses - 305 acres — 1.3 crore sq.ft buildings — 3000 Bedded Hospital — 6000 OPS / day (Free -Treatment, Medicine & Food).
- Cutting edge Research — 5 lakh sq.ft Research Park, 56 Research Labs, 12 Centres of Excellence.
- World class library with 5 lakh Books, Online journal access to more than 20 lakh e — Resources.
- Virtual class rooms, ICTI EDIJSAT, NPTEL, MOOCs, etc., modules to provide access to courses from top institutions.
- State of Art Student amenities — Hostel Health Centre, Cosmopolitan Cafeteria Sports, Gym, Recreation facilities, etc.,
- Last 5 years — more than 1000 Medical camps, 500 Villages, Planted 25,000 Saplings. Swachh Bharath, Swachhta Pakhwada, Unnat Bharath Abhiyan NCC, NSS, YRC, RRC etc., for holistic development.
- Nearly - 55% Girl students, 75% Other state students, 85% Economically & Socially challenged students, 43% Women faculty.
- Stipends / Scholarships worth -Rs. 35.7 Crores (2016-17), Rs. 38.5 Crores (2017-18).
Nirf Ranking 2017
- No. 1 in INDIA in Outreach and Inclusivity.
- No. 6 in INDIA among Private Universities in INDIA
- International Accreditation by ABET, USA.
- Re- Accreditation by NAAC - " A" GRADE.
- Accreditation by NABL - Hospital Labs.
Nirf Ranking 2018
- No. 2 in INDIA in Outreach and Inclusivity.
- No. 5 in INDIA among Private Universities in INDIA
- No .28 in Teaching learning Resource (TLR) Parameter
- No. 29 in Research & Professional Practice.
- Pioneers in South India — since 1984 - 35 years in Educational field.
- Members of the sponsoring society have ventures in Hospitality, Industry, Health Care, Pharma, Power, Infrastructure etc., Combined Net worth of Rs. 40,163 Crores (IJS$ 6.38 Billion).
A History of Enlightening Students
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) is one of India's leading institutes, with more than 10,000 students and 900 faculty members. The areas of excellence range from engineering and medicine to management and humanities. We live in an increasingly interconnected world that faces challenges and complex problems on a global scale. At the start of the 21st century, BIHER is uniquely prepared among the other universities by its breadth of scholarship, entrepreneurial heritage and pioneering faculty - to provide research and real-world approaches to address many of the current issues.
The era of globalization means many things to Bharath: research on issues relating to science and technology, exchanges with foreign universities, overseas opportunities for undergraduates, and collaboration. BIHER embarked upon ambitious strategic initiatives to ensure that Bharath continues to educate future leaders and to find solutions to the most pressing global challenges through its International Advisory Board with eminent scholars from 40 top universities/organizations across the world, Corporate Advisory Board with eminent executives from 215 leading companies, Faculty Abroad Program, Student Semester Abroad Program, Research Institute, Innovation in Teaching and Learning Pedagogy, and Diversity of students from 52 countries and from across India.
Dear Students
I am happy that you are joining our Institute for pursuing the course of study of your choice. This introduction to our Institution speaks of those features that reaffirm our faith in, and commitment to, the essential task of helping you transform yourself into a careerist in dental, medical, engineering and technology
I am sure you will make the best use of the programmes offered, facilities provided and opportunities created here in your interest. I am quite confident that you will address yourself to the tasks of learning with a tremendous sense of involvement and come out successful with flying colours in your cherished endeavour.
Let me greet you at the beginning of an academic journey towards the goal of a rewardingly prosperous career.
- Chancellor
As per the UGC guidelines, BIHER is regularly conducting the meetings of Statutory Bodies such as
- Board of Management Meeting
- Planning and Monitoring Committee Meeting
- Finance Committee Meeting
- Academic Council Meeting
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