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2025 Admission Open for UG/PG
Welcome to School of Computing

About the School :

The School of Computing, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research covers of Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Information Technology. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offeres B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering with NBA accreditation, B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence), B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security), M.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering. The Department of Information Technology provides B.Tech Information Technology and M.Tech Information Technology. The school also offers Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering and Ph.D Information Technology.

The School has MoU with top-notch industries like IBM, Oracle, VMWare, RedHat and Cisco to share knowledge and experience to our students. The school also has Centre of Excellence in digital forensics and Artificial Intelligence in order to bridge the gap between industry and academia. Our placements are consistently above 90% for the past three years. Our students are placed with highest salary of 24 lakhs per annum and an average salary of 3.5 lakhs per annum. Students are guided for placements right from the first year. The students and faculty of the school of computing to their credit have 50 patents. We cater to various needs of our students. Students are encouraged to be part of various Student Development Clubs to horn skills of their passion.

Our Institute has achieved a prestigious position as one of the Top Computer science engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu. Aspiring students must be aware about the importance of Computer science engineering in ever changing world. Exploring the Benefits of a Computer Science Engineering Course B.Tech Computer Science engineering course which is an exciting, ever-evolving field of study that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. With the advent of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things, the opportunities for those who choose to pursue a B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering are endless. By pursuing this course, you can gain an understanding of the fundamentals of computer science and then use this knowledge to develop and create projects that can be applied to many aspects of life. With a Computer Science Engineering course, you can gain a deeper understanding of how computing systems work and develop the skills to help you build the next generation of computing systems. This can open up a world of possibilities to help you make a real difference in the world.

Scope of B.Tech Artificial Intelligence

As technology advances, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in many fields. Artificial intelligence is the use of machines to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. This includes tasks such as language processing, image recognition, and natural language understanding. In a computer Science Engineering course, you will learn how to design and develop algorithms for the purpose of creating AI systems, as well as how to use existing AI systems to solve complex problems. You will also learn about the ethical considerations of AI, such as the potential for bias and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes.

The Advantages of Pursuing a B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Course

A Computer Science Engineering course provides the skills necessary to develop and manage computer systems, analyze data, and create algorithms that can be used to solve complex problems. With this knowledge, you can pursue a range of career opportunities in software engineering, network engineering, and database technology. You can also pursue careers in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics. A Computer Science Engineering course also provides the opportunity to develop projects that have real-world applications, such as systems for controlling robots, self-driving cars, or virtual reality applications.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision :

To be a globally recognized, skilled, research oriented and communally responsible software and hardware engineers for catering to the various industrial needs.

Our Mission :

Mission of the department is to achieve International Recognition by:

  • MD 1 Impart knowledge on fundamentals and emerging thrust areas of IT and ITES.
  • MD 2 Collaborate with International and National institutions/organizations in Software Development, Consultancy, Research & Development
  • MD 3 Train the spirit of leadership and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.
  • MD 4 Inculcate values and responsibilities in rendering technological services for the sustainable growth of the society.

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering :


B.Tech - CSE ( Artificial Intelligence ) :

Board of Studies

Members of BOS ( June 2024 – May 2025 ) :

S.No Name Designation Core Competency
  • Dr. S. Neduncheliyan
Dean, School of Computing, BIST BIHER IOT,WSN
Professors of the School / Department
  • Dr L Nalini Joseph
Professor,CSE,BIST BIHER WSN, Network Security, IOT
  • Dr. A.Kumaravel
Professor, IT ,BIST, BIHER NLP, ML ,DL
Associate Professors Per Department
  • Dr S Thaiyalnayaki
Associate Professor, CSE,BIST,BIHER Cloud Computing, ML
  • Dr.R. Yogesh
Associate Professor,IT, BIST,BIHER IOT, Cloud Computing
Assistant Professors Per Department
  • Dr L Godlin Atlas
Assistant Professor, CSE ,BIST,BIHER Medical Image Processing, Cloud Computing, ML
  • Ms.S. Pavithra
Assistant Professor, IT, BIST,BIHER Data Mining , Computer Networks
Academic Experts to be Co-Opted for their Specialized Knowledge
  • Dr P Jayashree
Professor & HOD, Computer Technology, MIT Anna University, Chennai. Fuzzy Logic, AI & ML
  • Dr.P.Malliga
Professor, CSE, NITTTR Virtual Reality, Software Engg
Industrial Experts to be Co-Opted for their Specialized Knowledge
  • Mr. Aditthya Ramakrishnan
Founder Next Tech Labs, Chennai AI&ML , Security
  • Mr.Ravi Srinivasan
Global CIO &EVP Hexaware, Chennai WSN, Software Engg

B.Tech - CSE ( Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ) :


B.Tech - CSE ( Cyber Security ) :


B.Tech - CSE ( Data Science ) :


B.Tech - CSE ( IOT and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology ) :


B.Tech - Informtion Technology :


B.Tech - Information Technology: Training and Placement Details


B.Tech - Information Technology:Internship Details


B.Tech - Information Technology: Training File 2021 Batch


B.Tech - Information Technology: Students Cetificate


B.Tech - Information Technology: ICT 5


B.Tech - Information Technology: Hexaware


B.Tech - Information Technology: GTT 4


B.Tech - Information Technology: GTT 4 Certificates


B.Tech - Information Technology: GTT 3


B.Tech - Information Technology: GTT 2


B.Tech - Information Technology:Placement Details


B.Tech - Information Technology:Offer Letter Details


B.Tech - Information Technology: Offer Letter - 2017 - 2021


B.Tech - Information Technology: Offer Letter - 2018 - 2022


Information Technology - Faculty List :


M.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering :


M.Tech - Informtion Technology :