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2025 Admission Open for UG/PG

Overview :

Through our array of international programs, we provide and facilitate platforms which result in the development of global opportunities for students and faculties in various aspects of higher education. Annually, the international relations office organizes various mobility programs such as inbound and outbound student exchange programs, faculty mobility programs, global internships and study abroad programs. As a way of encouraging international collaborations, while at the same time providing an enriching exposure to the various trends in global higher education, the cell also organizes conferences seminars, workshops, conclaves, research collaborations and exhibitions. Taking part in these programs ensures for students and faculties, effective knowledge sharing designed to broaden their academic horizons. For more information kindly contact Dr. N. Balamurugan through email to director.international@bharathuniv.ac.in

Inbound Exchange Program :

Our Indian Summer and Winter School programs, provide you with the most enriching exposure to the learning and cultural diversities of India. Every student from various parts of the globe venture to India, for a lifetime experience, not only of the country’s unique essence of cultural heritage but it's comprehensive academic exposure. Our international exchange programs, are strategically designed to give you the most insightful learning experience, coupled with the most edifying and fun-filled life experience. We invite you to experience this unique vibrancy of India, through BIHER’s International exchange programs, designed to give you the most vibrant, engaging and memorable journey of learning. For registrations email us at director.international@bharathuniv.ac.in For Department/Faculty/Institution specific query approach any of our International Relations Officers.

Outbound Exchange Program :

Our out-bound mobility programs are strategically designed to provide our students and faculties with the most enriching global exposure throughout the academic journey. We organize a series of short term and long-term programs which serve the purpose of facilitating abroad learning platforms in countries such as Russia, Switzerland, Canada, United States of America, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, France, amongst others. These programs do not only provide students and faculties with a unique learning experience, but they also go on to provide a unique cultural and global exposure, in Nations across the world. So, take the first step towards the most full-filling global experience. For registrations email us at director.international@bharathuniv.ac.in , or visit the International Relations office.

Faculty Exchange Programs :

The programs are designed to facilitate platforms for various faculties around the world to visit Indian institutions for collaborations and research projects. It goes on to create channels for Indian faculties to visit Universities all across the world.

Virtual Exchange Programs :

With the growing trends in digital technology, the International Relations office of BIHER has taken an innovative approach to higher education by incorporating virtual exchange programs. The programs are designed to act as a common platform for learning and knowledge sharing for the students and faculties across the world. The cell organizes a series of virtual programs across various digital learning platforms. Through such programs the students and faculties and experts share their insights in the various fields of academia with a global standard. These platforms bring together various global experts and resource persons through the most convenient channels of learning.

International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations     International Relations          faculty exchange program Russia     International Relations BIHER     Education fair British Council     IDP          Ural Russia     Ural Russia     Ural Russia