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2025 Admission Open for UG/PG
Welcome to School of Bio-Engineering

About The School :

The School of Bioengineering was started in the year 2003. The School has teaching and research programmes which encompass various basic and applied aspects of modern biotechnology. The main objective of the School of Bioengineering is to provide academic training and conduct research in the interdisciplinary areas of Biotechnology and Biomedical engineering with a particular emphasis on extending the knowledge generated from these studies towards the development of technologies of commercial significance. The school has ever since demonstrated an unfailing commitment towards research and man-power development in frontier areas of integrative biology. This school since its inception emphasizes on appointing and inculcating meritorious faculty in various specialized branches in Bioengineering.

As technology continues to evolve, so does the field of medicine. Biomedical engineering has become an increasingly popular field of study for those interested in combining their passion for science and technology. B.tech Biomedical Engineering is a degree program that focuses on the application of engineering principles to the design and development of medical equipment and devices. With advances in medical technology, there has been a growing demand for professionals who can bridge the gap between medicine and engineering. B.tech Biomedical Engineering is an exciting and challenging field that offers a wide range of career opportunities. The best engineering college in chennai that offers B.tech Biomedical Engineering college in Tamilnadu, its scope, and the various career paths available to those who pursue this degree. So, whether you are a student or a professional looking to switch careers, keep reading to learn more about this dynamic field.

The school offers UG and PG programmes in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. The curriculum is designed in such a manner that the students can be placed in various giant industrial establishments like Biocon, Shantha Biotech, Reddy’s Lab, Life Cell, Siemens healthcare, Wipro biomedical etc. Fortunately, the IT companies like Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, HCL, Cognizant etc. have opened up Life Science Divisions which has also led to increased job opportunities. Bioengineering has applications in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, agriculture based and environment related industries. Many Quality control labs of food and pharma labs hire Bioengineering graduates. Medical coding is another area which has growing demand of bioengineering graduates for placements.

The faculty members at the school are decorated with national and international recognitions. The faculty members have been excellent teachers and research Scientists. The members have excellent records of publication in journals with high impact factors. The school has conducted various national and international conferences, workshops and guest lectures. It has been actively doing research in the thrust areas like Biodiesel production, Biofertilizers, Cancer Biology, medicinal plants, prosthetics and enzyme technology. It takes pride in pronouncing that it has about 500 paper publications in Scopus and other peer-reviewed journals.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision :

To provide an excellent academic environment for the benefit of diverse learners of divergent background and faculty to acquire technological competence on par with global heads in bioengineering research by adopting ethical and sustainable growth.

Our Mission :

  • SM 1 To attain quality education in pursuit of fundamental knowledge involving creativity and logical reasoning in the rapidly advancing field of bioengineering.
  • SM 2 To acquire specialised knowledge in research par excellence with global standards.
  • SM 3 To provide exposure to cutting edge technologies by integrating experiential and skill based teaching methodologies adopting ethical environment.
  • SM 4 To impart education to the bioengineers by ensuing activities for the welfare of society and sustainable environment.
Board of Studies

Members of BOS ( June 2024 – May 2025 ) :

S.No Name Designation Core Competency
  • Dr. L. Jeyanthi Rebecca
Dean, School of Bioengineering, BIHER Agricultural Biotechnology
Professors of the School/ Department
  • Dr. R. Vasuki
Professor and Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering, BIHER Nuclear Radiation
  • Dr. S. Anbuselvi
Professor, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, BIHER Genomics and Proteomics
Associate Professors Per Department
  • Dr. S. Kanimozhi
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, BIHER Bio Nanotechnology
  • Dr. R. Kamalambigeswari
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, BIHER Microbiology
Assistant Professors Per Department
  • Ms. R. Indumathi
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, BIHER Image processing
  • Dr. D. Sharmila
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, BIHER Food Technology
Academic Experts to be Co-Opted for their Specialized Knowledge
  • Dr. L. K. Hema
Professor and Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation, Chennai Biosensors
  • Dr. S. Subhashini
Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Kattankulathur Campus, SRM Institute of Science and Technology Recombinant DNA Technology
Industrial Experts to be Co-Opted for their Specialized Knowledge
  • Dr. K. Venkataraman
Managing Partner-Technical, Biovision Medical Systems, Chennai Biomedical Instrumentation
  • Dr. P Balashanmugam
Director, Avigen Biotech Pvt Ltd Industrial Microbiology

B.Tech - Bio-Technology :


B.Tech - Industrial Bio-Technology :


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering :


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering : Training and Placement Details


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering:Internship Details


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: Training File 2021 Batch


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: Students Cetificate


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: ICT 5


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: Hexaware


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: GTT 4


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: GTT 4 Certificates


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: GTT 3


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: GTT 2


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering : Offer Letter Details


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering : Placement Details


Bio-Medical Engineering - Faculty List :


M.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering :


M.Tech - Industrial Bio-Technology :


B.Tech - Bio-Medical Engineering: