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WELCOME TO Sustainability Development Goals

Clean Water And Sanitation

SDG 6 Clean Water And Sanitation

Water is essential to life. if deprived of water, no living being can survive for long. Nevertheless, this fundamental element to existence is seriously threatened because of pollution of rivers, suffers shortages in certain regions of the world and costly management in cities. Being an academic university, SIMATS is actively participating in channelizing these issues. SIMATS has adopted the clean water RO system through the thirteen institutions and proper sanitation being taken care. Overall, university is holding a capacity of 50,000 litre of RO water support system ensuring clean water supply to the campus.

Ennore, North Chennai village has been targeted and implemented to quantify all water related issues and sanitation. Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Clean India Campaign) university demonstrates innovative models in urban water and sanitation that have the potential to be scaled throughout Chennai to benefit poor urban communities. University is also actively participating with the urban local bodies to promote sanitation through behavior change; by workshops, webinars and one to one interaction with local communities for effective program implementation.